
Poll commissioned by non-partisan advocacy group found voter turnout in GTA was 88 per cent among the Muslim community in nine ridings where group worked to get out the vote.

‘We can’t get clearance even when we have a clear target in front of us’

Democrats prefer fantasy to reality Jeff Crouere | November 20, 2015
The terrorists were telling the world all we need to know about the threat we face. Unfortunately, President Obama, the Democratic presidential candidates and left wing political leaders in Europe and this country refuse to listen

Now that the Senate has passed the three disapproval resolutions, the House is confronted with a critical decision as to whether it will address the Obama Administration’s environmental overreach.

Is Obama too busy eyeing a plum post-Presidential gig? News on the Net | November 20, 2015
We do not begrudge Obama the job of UN Secretary-General. In fact, we approve of it. It is a job where words are considered more important than action

Our government, not Obama’s Guest Column | November 20, 2015
The title does not a leader make

Wobbly Western leaders are operating under the cover of compassion. Where is compassion when they are putting the lives of their own people at risk?

Fazliddin Kurbanov: Terrorist ‘Refugee’ Arnold Ahlert | November 20, 2015
A case study in Obama's refugee folly

ISIS Crisis Entices Dr. Brad Lyles | November 20, 2015
Our leaders must stop focusing upon ISIS! ISIS entices but it is not the crisis! A potential nuclear Iran is the crisis --here and now --today!

Not what the left, the media and quite a few Christians would have you think.

So, yes, a religious test, if not in law but in citizens’ minds, is appropriate for lots of things. And immigration is no exception.

Note: CFACT’s new skeptical documentary, Climate Hustle, is set to rock the UN climate summit with red carpet’world premiere in Paris.

The new normal

"We see no data pointing to improvement."

Filibuster coming.

Washington silent over murder of 18-year-old American News on the Net | November 20, 2015
Republican presidential candidates condemn Palestinian terror in wake of murder of Ezra Schwartz - but where is the White House?

US Senate Sends The World A Climate Message Guest Column | November 20, 2015
Don’t Expect Any Money For Obama’s Climate Promises

At Princeton, black students demand segregation News on the Net | November 20, 2015
In a letter to Princeton’s president Eisgruber, the Black Justice League declared that the university is accountable for improving "the social and academic experiences of its black students at Princeton."

The Real Source of ISIS Recruiting Strength Jim Yardley | November 20, 2015
After each successful attack that is not responded to forcefully, that reaction reinforces the view of the West that it is the weak horse

Maine Doubles Down on Welfare Reform Despite Media Backlash Heritage Foundation | November 20, 2015
“The welfare hurricane doesn’t just destroy one family; it destroys generations of them,”

Will Americans take notice about Obama's policies--which welcome Islamic jihadis while ignoring their victims--or will their indifference continue until they too become victims of the jihad, in a repeat of Paris or worse?

We must act now. Not only will ISIS be on the ash heap of history, but we will win-over the Muslim world which is watching to see strength or weakness. Appeasement isn't working. It is time for violence

Radical Islam — The Invisible Enemy Caroline Glick | November 20, 2015
Radical Islam is an ideology that serves both as an organizing principle for civil societies and a military doctrine.

I Sho’ Would Hate To Be In Yo’ Shoes Jimmy Reed | November 20, 2015
Dad was running in ten different directions at once, and he needed Jaybird’s help.

Were there 754 forced entries or 2,210? Cost to taxpayers so far: $2.3 million!

D.C. Refuses to Arm Persecuted Christians Fighting ISIS Raymond Ibrahim | November 20, 2015
Christians implored Obama administration to simply stop arming their persecutors. When that too fell on deaf ears, vastly outnumbered and underequipped Christians gathered to fight the Islamic State head on

Why Should God Save America Dr. Robert R. Owens | November 20, 2015
If God does not judge us he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah

At both abortion facilities, inspectors found improper storage of “products of conception,” or aborted babies’ remains, according to the reports

Let’s Rein In Out–of–Control Gun Control Advocates Michael R. Shannon | November 19, 2015
Highlighting gun control, appealing to Democrats that are already going to vote, is only firing blanks if it motivates Republicans who may not have voted if they didn’t fear losing Second Amendment rights.

The Solar Decathlon News on the Net | November 19, 2015
The Solar Decathlon is an international competition, where university-industry teams design, build and fully operate sustainable housing solutions powered solely from solar energy
