
"President Obama cannot end-run Congress based on his own "emperor-like" actions

As Reflected in Syrian Discourse on the Social Media

President Obama obfuscating the truth Guest Column | December 21, 2014
Executive Orders or Memoranda?

A dramatic cell-phone video capture the chaotic moments after two Brooklyn cops were gunned down in cold blood on Saturday

Officers Down in Brooklyn Judi McLeod | December 21, 2014
Tragic to know that it will soon be Christmas for most everyone else but not for the families of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who, along with justice, will need everyone’s most fervent prayers.

The Cold War Cuban Detritus Alan Caruba | December 21, 2014
Ten percent of the population, have fled Cuba, many of whom found a new home in America. When that many people wanted to leave, it tells you something is terribly wrong with life in Cuba

Bill Whittle: We’re Number Two News on the Net | December 21, 2014
China overtook the United States as the largest Economy in the World

Microbes Are Everywhere Jack Dini | December 20, 2014
Dirty Flthy Money, A Sneeze, and Eco-friendly reusable shopping bags

Obama; From Hollywood hero to zero? Guest Column | December 20, 2014
The Interview, Sony Pictures

Two NYPD Officers Assassinated! Nadra Enzi | December 20, 2014
As this inflammatory episode unfolds, folks comfortable chanting, ” What do we want?! Dead cops! ” may find much less tolerate reception nationally in the wake of this assassination of two NYPD officers!

A Day in Infamy - Barack Obama’s Cuban Pact Obie Usategui | December 20, 2014
I consider Obama's renewed relations with the communist island as one of the most despicable political acts I have ever been a witness to. Inherent evil of Barack Obama and his administration

Earth to both Obama dime-a-dozen activists: You’re not done? Neither is the United States of America!

Obama, Stuxnet, and the Sony Hack Timothy Birdnow | December 20, 2014
The problem with cyber warfare is there are ultimately no winners; the weapons change but the battle will not end

An Airhead’s Tree William Bedford | December 20, 2014
What exactly is a holiday tree?

New policy on Cuba Guest Column | December 20, 2014
The fact that Cuban Americans are rallying against the new relationship is telling

Video: Top ISIS leaders reportedly killed in airstrikes News on the Net | December 20, 2014
John Huddy reports on fight against terrorists

All Lives Matter! Nadra Enzi | December 20, 2014
Black folks don’t have the market cornered on human suffering. Our history should make us the first ones to denounce harm which befalls fellow Americans, regardless of pigmentation

Saving Comrade Castro Daniel Greenfield | December 20, 2014
Obama’s Bailout for Communist Dictators

Hollywood Hypocrisy

Video: ‘Year of the emperor’ for Obama? News on the Net | December 20, 2014
Reviewing president's unilateral actions

Thomas More Society Reaches Temporary Agreement with ACLU of Indiana

Thank you Ms. Douglas for telling us openly what we always suspected to be the case. Thank you for alerting us to the Marxist revolutionaries in positions of power in journalism and academia.

Sony pictures and the American public Guest Column | December 19, 2014
The Interview

Republicans need a presidential candidate who can articulate a clear, convincing conservative message and who is not afraid to debate. In the last election

As long as Western leaders take to mics warning the unwashed masses never to refer to terrorism as terrorism, it’s going to be happy hunting for worldwide terrorists

The bogeyman in the Lindt Chocolaet café won't go away because Australia's Prime Minister wants to put the term "Islamic State" out of sight and out of mind.

Merry Christmas in the Trenches Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 19, 2014
Christmas 1914 became a day of fellowship, sharing food, trading uniform buttons, and playing soccer, a sliver of normalcy in a cruel and unnecessary war.

Americans Under Stress Guest Column | December 19, 2014
Rewritten history

Evidence of bribery

Of course.
