
It’s Time for President Obama to Approve Keystone XL Institute for Energy Research | July 30, 2015
The pipeline is also good for our energy security. Rather than import oil from Mexico and Venezuela to supply the heavy oil that our Gulf Coast refineries need, Canadian oil sands can be used instead

Correlations, Causes and Dis-proofs Viv Forbes | July 30, 2015
For about 20 years now, carbon dioxide levels have risen steadily but global temperatures are trending level. Therefore CO2 does not control global temperature.

Democrats are expected to sustain their filibuster and prevent passage of the de-funding measure.

Turns up on travellers' camp 95 miles from his home

Experts estimate that production using new solvent technologies in Utah can be more profitable than shale oil currently being produced, and more profitable than any other oil sands project in North America.

Sennheiser headphones cut the umbilical cord Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 30, 2015
The Sennheiser RS 175's aren't the highest end headphones on the market, but they sound darn good anyway

Small BMW coupe an open air delight - mostly Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 30, 2015
Even with only a four banger under the hood, it's a remarkable driving experience - and with hardly any turbo lag to worry about, and the handling and overall driving experience is sublime.

By empowering Iran, the deal is all but guaranteed to spark a conventional arms race—and quite possible a nuclear one—in what is already the most unstable and dangerous region in the world.

Obama’s Unilateral Surrender Foreign Policy Michael R. Shannon | July 30, 2015
The fact is the Chinese regard Obama’s “nuanced” foreign policy as pathetic nancy–boy pleading that can be ignored without cost

The ACLU and Perkins Coie have filed a lawsuit against Pinal County, Ariz., law enforcement for their abuse of the state's civil asset forfeiture laws.

"Another boy!"

It's your fault. You're just too stupid.

More “Stimulus” is Not the Answer Canadian Taxpayers Federation | July 30, 2015
The simple fact is that governments piling up debt and deficits in the name of “stimulus” has huge long-term costs for little to no short-term benefit – with the main beneficiaries being the politicians trawling for votes

Kristen Fisher reports from Washington, D.C.

GOP debate #1: Issues and answers, or jump on Trump? Heritage Foundation | July 30, 2015
The countdown begins.

“Income inequality in Canada is often treated simplistically, is poorly defined, and presented without proper context, which can paint a flawed picture,”

In an interview with the State-owned Sunday Mail newspaper marking her 50th birthday, Grace Mugabe said: “Sometimes when I am not around, they (Mugabe and Chatunga) share the bed, they talk.”

Kenya’s missing billions News on the Net | July 30, 2015
In Kenya public office is often seen as a route to personal enrichment, as Obama noted while standing alongside President Uhuru Kenyatta at a news conference in Nairobi on Saturday.

The challenge of mining rare-earth materials outside China American Chemical Society | July 30, 2015
Rare-earth mining company Molycorp has invested heavily in its California operation but is struggling to reach its production goals.

Last week, Democrats in both houses of Congress introduced a bill they call the “Equality Act.” This bill adds the phrase “sexual orientation and gender identity” to more or less every federal law that has protections on the basis of race.

Figuring out how to make tastier wines using fewer pesticides American Chemical Society | July 30, 2015
Designing hardy but wine-friendly grapes could help reduce pesticide use.

Toward a safe antiobesity drug that could block fat absorption American Chemical Society | July 30, 2015
To help fight obesity, scientists are working on drugs that could trap ingested fat before the body absorbs it.

If Iran does take steps in the future to annihilate Israel, the leftist Jews who are criticizing Huckabee will never see it coming. And that, Mr. Obama is “sad.”

It’s already been established that Mrs. Clinton failed to turn over all of her work related emails, allowed sensitive and classified material on her private email server, and lied about both

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An all-natural sunscreen derived from algae American Chemical Society | July 30, 2015
Substances from algae and fish mucus that protect against ultraviolet rays are the basis for a potential new kind of sunscreen.

"And Don't Use the T-Word!"

Where the Nanny State is taking the middle class Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 30, 2015
Equality, Efficiency, Dependency

With the level of incompetence that Kerry has demonstrated before Congress, all Americans should DEMAND that Barack Obama’s surrender to evil be rejected in full

“Pastor Holmes’ incident certainly adds perspective to the use of force, and how using a firearm can stop or prevent crime,”
