
"As of now, we don't predict any respite from the extreme heatwave for the next few days," said spokesman B. P. Yadav.

The IRS has launched a criminal investigation. The agency's inspector general is also investigating.

What’s Left Tabitha Korol | May 26, 2015
If we add together the Islamists in our midst, the remorseless willfully blind, and the ignorant by indoctrination, I fear for what's left

Experience the Queenstown Winter Festival Travel New Zealand | May 26, 2015

Wolf Trap - Act I - Habeas Corpus Gary Hunt | May 26, 2015
Scene 3 - Guardian of Personal Liberty

The Jihad Caucus James Simpson | May 26, 2015
Not to be dissuaded from such silly national security concerns, 14 U.S. senators, led by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, have written a letter to Obama urging him to allow 65,000 Syrians

Call it Caliphate, UN style.

President Obama to Use the UN to Stab Israel in the Back Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 26, 2015
Obama cannot be trusted. He is willing to sell Israel down the river to secure his own legacy as a “peacemaker.”

My lies finally caught up with me.

Mr. Obama should retire his pen and phone act and instead start obeying the law. Start by making deportation of America’s 11-30 million illegals a national priority!

Here’s the Data to Prove School Choice Is Working Heritage Foundation | May 26, 2015
We are more than 99 percent confident that access to school choice through the Opportunity Scholarship Program was the reason students in the program graduated at these much higher rates.

Says the Clintons are money hustlers

Against State's own policies and over Israel's objections.

Mr. Obama had acted in November to try to grant tentative legal status and work permits to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants, saying he was tired of waiting for Congress to act

Barack “Climate Change” Obama Alan Caruba | May 26, 2015
IF Obama’s climate change idiocy is just a way to distract us from the problems we have thanks to his failure to address them, then it is purely cynical, political. IF Obama really believes this stuff, he is unfit to be President

Guilty of using lies that have evoked hatred, fomented racial unrest, sparked riots, caused property destruction and led to innocent people's deaths. Guilty of gross malpractice and, by proxy, murder. Guilty of being destroyers of civilization

That'll show 'em.

. . . as a condition of any nuclear deal?

Saved from a world of negativity Herman Cain | May 26, 2015
Callers to my radio show demonstrate the truth is getting through.

The new face of policing in America.

At this point, the key takeaway for Israel is that the pro-Israel consensus has remained solid at the apex of US politics

The city has set up a website explaining the new ordinance, but for people like Catherine Healy, who says Airbnb supplements her income

Just one more example of why the only feeling a true American should be able to muster for liberalism is contempt.

Focusing on the fate of Christians and other minorities in the same region currently

Municipal Amalgamation in Ontario

And that's just the start; getting approval to bomb a target can take hours

Exposing a story of corruption and attempts to stoke favoritism

Obama: Got the will. Just won't

Yount passed Ellery to his wife and continued watching the parade in front of a toy store at the corner of Washington St and Pleasant St.

“You need to remove the placards that are leaning against the fence,” said the officer, because “they are touching the VA’s property.”
