
Eileen Cosgrove: The Fighting Hawks at D-Day News on the Net | June 3, 2014
"The Fighting Hawks at D-Day" is a compelling and exciting way to learn our history, ensuring a new appreciation for the freedoms we hold dear

Maria Kneas: Perilous Times & Biblical Comfort News on the Net | June 3, 2014
Help you understand the challenges of the times that we are living in, and show you some Biblical principles for dealing with them

Power Plant Rule Fails Administration’s Own Cost/Benefit Test Institute for Energy Research | June 2, 2014
Chamber of Commerce, climate change, coal-fired power plants, EPA, Obama, social cost of carbon

Poison Propaganda Viv Forbes | June 2, 2014
Hydro-carbon fuels, EPA, mercury

No one should demand that government compel others into celebrating their same-sex relationship

Bipartisan, House passed legislation would protect unborn children at twenty weeks of age -- with exceptions provided for instances of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is endangered.

Missing Women in BC Guest Column | June 2, 2014
Culpable government

Just Shoot:

Obama’s disappointing performance on behalf of most Americans, he does seem to excel when it comes to illegal aliens and military deserters

Roses White and Roses Red Wes Porter | June 2, 2014
June gardening

United States, Russia, Arab Spring

Cap-and-trade by executive order

Anyone can make up any bullfeather about anyone. And they do. So you need to be discerning.

Worth it?

The Mother of all Psyops

The fundamental transformation of America from a capitalist, free-market society into a socialist nanny state

Small business owners are doing their part to create jobs and grow the economy and they expect the government to break down tax and regulatory barriers as opposed to creating them

Motoring: Range Rover Evoque and Bubblebum Tim Saunders | June 2, 2014
We must all embrace change and that is something Range Rover has done wholeheartedly.


D-Day 70th Anniversary Prayer Storm Christian Newswire | June 2, 2014
The power of just ONE person's repentance is seen in the Book of Daniel

Turning an iconic symbol of presidential power into an illustration of government waste and incompetence

Bergdahl bumps VA from spotlight News on the Net | June 2, 2014
Saturday Obama announced that the Taliban released Bergdahl

Was there a secret quid pro quo contained in Bristol's plea bargain?

This proposed constitutional amendment would protect incumbent politicians

The ongoing crisis over the Ukraine and Crimea between Russia and the West

A Pathetic Prisoner Exchange Arnold Ahlert | June 2, 2014
America now negotiates with terrorists

Twilight of the Family Daniel Greenfield | June 2, 2014
Progressive revolution has devoured its own children leaving behind only the empty hallways and empty treasuries of the state

Funny how atheistic communists infiltrate a movement of pantheistic Earth worshipers

Obama’s gleeful announcement of the news in the Rose Garden shore up criticism that Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood

Celebrities Against America: Seven Deadly Sinners Kelly O'Connell | June 2, 2014
For the USA to Survive, We Must Deflate our Vain & Superficial Celebrity Worship Culture
