
Deadly Life-Support for a Threatening Iran Frank Gaffney Jr. | February 18, 2014
America is being put at risk by Barack Obama’s serial national security fraud

Met Office Science Chief Attacked For Climate Claim Guest Column | February 18, 2014
Why The Met Office Has Hung Its Chief Scientist Out To Dry

“Change therapy bans are a flagrant violation of a client’s right to self-determination,”

Four main threats to Israel's national security in the coming year

Eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored entities (GSEs) that have been distorting the housing market for years

Left-Wing Politico Inadvertently Exposes Union Autopsy Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 18, 2014
Labor unions have proved adept at succeeding themselves into failure

What “60 Minutes” Didn’t Say About Russia Cliff Kincaid | February 18, 2014
Failure of the Obama administration to challenge the Putin regime over its blatant human rights abuses and official corruption

The anti-Zionist challenge to the Jewish estabishment Caroline Glick | February 18, 2014
The essence of boycotts is destruction, not engagement, foreign-funded, radical, anti-Zionist NGOs

2014 offers us an opportunity to make a beneficial transformation towards rescuing our economy and our employment situation, en route to rescuing our republic

Al Gore just posted a new Selfie News on the Net | February 18, 2014
Darn that Global Warming

Obama's false tale that you don’t have to work now that Uncle Sugar is here to look after you. In Canada, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau tries to con people that Canadian budget will balance itself

A meteorologist never checks today’s CO2 level before he prepares a weather forecast for the next few days

Union Station William Bedford | February 17, 2014

Stay & Save at Napa’s River Terrace Inn News on the Net | February 17, 2014
An enchanting blend of modern elegance and laid-back California charm

A government of one

Hollywood Rediscovers the Bible Alan Caruba | February 17, 2014
After years of films based on cartoon characters like Batman and Spider Man

Conservative Principles and the Common Man Dave Huntwork | February 17, 2014
The most fundamental principles and building blocks of Western Civilization and the Republic deserve to be revered and protected

Have too many of us become so indoctrinated that we have become like Winston Smith in Orwell’s 1984, insisting that 2 plus 2 equals 5?

She Divorced Him! Jimmy Reed | February 17, 2014
"A parallel between beasts in the jungle and beastly human males"

Who is benefiting from the blocking of the pipeline? Guest Column | February 17, 2014
Transporting oil

Peña Nieto understands the need to build pipelines to bring the needed supplies into the country; Obama’s policies have increased electricity prices—both residential and industrial—in the U.S.

Assessing the track record, not the legend.

"It's a nice moral imperative, but it doesn't change the math . . . your insurance premiums are going to go way up. They have to."

Know your politically correct lingo, or pay the price!

Climate Change Is Real, Now Shut Up Already Bob Parks | February 17, 2014
The Debate Is Over?

Also testifying: Wife of jailed Iranian pastor Saeed Abedini & Syrian rights activist Moayad Iskafe

Obama truthfully feels that he is BIGGER than our government

Why Global Citizenship and Not American Citizenship? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 17, 2014
Why would colleges then mandate preparation of our American students for global citizenship, should colleges not prepare students for American citizenship?

Venezuelans have had it with the corruption, shortages, censorship, 56% inflation rate, crime and general privations brought on by the late Hugo Chavez' Bolivarian Revolution

Banker Suicides: The JPMorgan-CIA-NYPD connection
