
Judge Andrew Napolitano speaks

How Senate Conservatives Plan to Challenge GOP Leadership Heritage Foundation | July 27, 2015
After suffering a setback Sunday, Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have a new plan to force action on Obamacare

It appears we might just be living in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.

Forty to fifty Americans are fighting with Kurdish forces against ISIS

Nine Red Lines For a Nuclear Agreement With Iran Frank Gaffney Jr. | July 27, 2015
The National Security Nine redlines constitute terms that would achieve the desired result – a nuclear deal with Iran that actually stops its pursuit of nuclear weapons

'The tip of the iceberg'

Climate change replacing Gospel at Sunday Service


Barack Hussein Obama, The Muslim President Obie Usategui | July 27, 2015
While the domestic landscape seems to be filled with all kinds of controversial issues, on the international front, the Obama administration has really lowered the bar to yet unspeakable new lows.

The Errant Environmental Encyclical Paul Driessen | July 27, 2015
Pope Francis’ prescriptions will perpetuate poverty, disease, premature death in Third World

Putin has a nuclear gun pointed at America and we have practically no defense against it.

Ridley: Let's Cut These Regressive Wind And Solar Taxes

The St. Catherine of Siena Church and its Christ statue in Mississauga, Ontario, were vandalized by Iqbal Hessan, a 22-year-old Muslim man.

And stop the typical Washington tricks.

“Don’t Trump Me, Bro!”

"Misery loves company": Could be applied to the depths of misfortune where Obama and the liberal Democrats find themselves

GOP Elites: A Confederacy of Dunces Jeff Crouere | July 25, 2015
Donald Trump is at war with the GOP establishment, the media, and old-guard Republican politicians, all groups that conservatives hate

Et Tu, Schu? Joan Swirsky | July 25, 2015
Schumer’s dilemma is clear; to be a loyal lackey to Barack Obama, the better not to lose his potential position of power, or to be the New York Jewish Senator he was in the past, a vocal and impassioned supporter of Israel.

"I have no food ... I am paying a high price for my mistakes."

Evidence of a broken country Guest Column | July 25, 2015
The state of America under Obama

How and why to kill the deal Caroline Glick | July 25, 2015
The devil in Obama’s deal with Iran is not in the mind-numbing details, but in the big picture. The deal guarantees Iran will get the bomb. It gives the Iranian regime $150b.

Special Report with Bret Baier

Traitor caught in raid

The pro-life Senate Republican [McConnell] leader appears to want to avoid a debate about putting forward an unrelated amendment so lawmakers don’t vote against it on that basis alone.

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The truth is that the power players don't like Harry Ramos because he refuses to play ball

As China’s international economic relations continue to expand, China must be willing to cooperate to detect and punish cross-border crimes that are multiplying

Canadian Taxpayers Federation Statement on Senate Abolition Canadian Taxpayers Federation | July 24, 2015
“It’s clear that the Senate is broken, and there’s no reason to wait for more pressure

Fact #1: Planned Parenthood Has Become a Billion-Dollar Organization on the Backs of Taxpayers

Wind Lobby’s Critique of IER Study Fails on All Fronts Institute for Energy Research | July 24, 2015
Our study on the cost of electricity from the existing generation fleet is a data-driven analysis of the economics of the power grid

Warmists Say Sea Level Rise study based on ‘flimsy evidence’ & ‘rife with speculation’
