
Craig James believes Fox Sports fired him for views he expressed during an unsuccessful bid for Texas U.S. Senator in 2012.

Spot on again Guest Column | August 11, 2015

Openly calling for “retaliation” and killings

Even if the media coverage of the campaign to boycott Israel is excessive, it can serve an important function in flagging this phenomenon and warning against its potential threats

CTF Releases “15 for 2015” Election Wish List Canadian Taxpayers Federation | August 11, 2015
Pass a “truth in budgeting” law

Black Lives Matter Racists Strike Again Arnold Ahlert | August 11, 2015
The return of the Ferguson lynch mob

Blow that Trumpet, Mr. Trump Judi McLeod | August 11, 2015
Night is fast falling on America The Beautiful

Then quickly backs down when called on it.

Paul Krugman’s columns for that paper, while opinion pieces, reflect the Times’ underlying perspective and political agenda

Murdoch's message to blunt Trump's rise in the polls came loud and clear over his social media and publishing outlets

Pence today ceremonially signed a measure authored by State Sen. Liz Brown (R-Fort Wayne) ensuring all health-care facilities, including abortion clinics, appropriately dispose of the bodies of babies killed in abortions.

Don’t be surprised by future terrorist attacks News on the Net | August 11, 2015
Iran deal

The dissidents, who included about 50 members of the Ladies in White, were held for about five hours then released, according to according to Agence France-Presse.

Donald Trump and Fox News Guest Column | August 10, 2015
Fair and balanced?

EPA De-Develops the US Through Nebulous Consensus Climate Change Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 10, 2015
Real Science vs. government funded pseudo science:

The second woman was still being hunted. There were no other casualties.

On the issues page for “Racial Justice,” Sanders lays out the different kinds of violence he believes “people of color” experience, which includes physical, political, legal, and economic violence.

This Could Be the Most Important Voting Case in 60 Years Heritage Foundation | August 10, 2015
Redistricting principles could be changed by this court case.

The Iran ego-driven irresponsible nuke deal is Obama urinating on America and Israel's head while his minions tell us his golden nectar is divine rain that will ultimately produce beautiful flowers of peace

Animal rights campaigners launch the first World Lion Day

Fox News down a Leftist Road Guest Column | August 10, 2015

California’s Water Crisis Jack Dini | August 10, 2015
There's much more to California's drought than lack of rain.

Megyn Kelly/Trump dust up Guest Column | August 10, 2015
This should not be the story

Supreme Court Asked to Defend Rights of Minors Liberty Counsel | August 10, 2015
"The New Jersey Legislature, and now-Presidential candidate for the Republic Party, Governor Chris Christie, had no place interjecting their politically motivated assault on the fundamental rights of this minor and his parents

Wrong on every count.

UK Fracking Poised For Explosive Expansion

The former clinic director has since become a pro-life activist, regularly criticizing Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices

The intense debate underway in the United States about the agreement is a tribute to American democracy – similar debates are not taking place in any of the other countries that are parties to the agreement

Trump v Fox Guest Column | August 10, 2015
GOP establishment
