
Western media distorts Egypt’s constitutional approval Dr. Ashraf Ramelah | January 20, 2014
Washington Post: Egypt’s bogus democracy doesn’t deserve U.S. aid

Undermines more skilled workers, Ignores a major player in the labor market, Fails to address the real problem

Mamas, Don’t Let Your Sons Grow up to be Obamas Judi McLeod | January 20, 2014
Obama is half black, half white, and most significantly half-hearted when it comes to the hard work of running a country

The Paris Club and the London Club Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | January 20, 2014
America's current impossible-to-repay national debt

The Relentless Hillary Clinton Alan Caruba | January 20, 2014
Hillary has made it clear that the redistribution of wealth—communism—is central to her beliefs

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The insurance industry cut a deal with the devil. What could possibly go wrong?

" . . . not only false but illogical . . ."

Wooing Wyoming Tabitha Korol | January 20, 2014
The heart of the matter is Muslims are not here to become Americans. Just as they are not assimilating in Europe, so they will not integrate here

Tōˌtaliˈte(ə)rēəns Among Us? Ralph Benko | January 20, 2014
Progressive is a nicer word than totalitarian. Progressives are in danger of turning their brand into a frighteningly Orwellian totalitarianism

Quote Of The Day Bob Parks | January 20, 2014
Barack Obama: There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President

We demand that Greenpeace state that they are against any further interference with the research on Golden Rice

Weird. They weren't racists when they elected him...

How MLK’s Faith Influenced His Public Life Heritage Foundation | January 20, 2014
“All men, created alike in the image of God, are inseparably bound together,”

Is This Any Way to Treat the Job Creators? Marita Noon | January 20, 2014
Unfortunately for America’s un—and under—employed, reality tells us that the January 14 promise is just more hyperbole, more campaign-style platitudes

Europe To Ditch Climate Protection Goals Guest Column | January 20, 2014
Re-Industrialisation More Important Than Climate Change

According to the NY State Department of Health, for every 1,000 black babies born alive, 1,223 are aborted.

America’s Honor Besmirched J.D. Longstreet | January 20, 2014
Appeasement Assures War!

From the concealing mists Sarge | January 20, 2014
Obama’s a lost soul tricked into believing he’s the most powerful man in the world. In reality he’s the stupidest.

A Bangladesh Grows in Brooklyn Daniel Greenfield | January 20, 2014
Miniature slices of Bangladesh, Pakistan or Egypt where the air has a stale smell and the atmosphere is threatening

You Cannot Miss Mass Because Of Abuses At Mass Father Paul Nicholson | January 20, 2014
Obedience better than Sacrifice

Obama would be well advised to face the omnibus of scandal and failure that his policies and actions have wrought to America

The promises of ObamaCare – only a Marxist fantasy Rolf Yungclas | January 20, 2014
Hopelessly bound to an increasingly oppressive central government

The Death of a Nation Matt Shipley | January 20, 2014
Civil War, Gross constitutional violations perpetrated against Americans

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ObamaCare’s Attack on the Elderly Arnold Ahlert | January 20, 2014
The president’s macabre new year’s gift: paying hospitals not to treat seniors

Kerry needs to focus on this issue - rather than concerning himself with negative comments affecting him personally.

Bogus Jimmy Reed | January 20, 2014
Gold cocker spaniel Beauregard Augustus Dog

The Killing of Kennedy Nelson Hultberg | January 20, 2014
There was something far bigger and far more sinister than a "lone assassin" at work in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963

The Crazed Chairman Mao: “My Boy, Barack!” Kelly O'Connell | January 19, 2014
Obama & Marx: Destruction R Us!

Obama’s War on U.S. Energy Alan Caruba | January 19, 2014
Obama has been waging a war on America’s energy needs and the benefits that would result from its expansion
