
Twitter was singled out as one social media platform that, according to former senior U.S. diplomat Mark Wallace could do “much, much more” to stop extremist misuse of their sites.

The squash family – ‘cucurbits’ as professionals term them – are a sexually adventurous lot. And when it comes to cucumbers, none more so

The press is no longer a guardian against censorship but a portender of it.

The newspaper criticized lawmakers for using data from an advocacy group without checking more credible sources

We need to seize this momentum shift by voicing support for ARENA and encouraging state leaders in resisting EPA’s draconian edicts while leaving environmental protection to the states.

For reals?

"When political correctness uses the government to enforce its sense of morality, Liberty Counsel gets involved."

"Many of the charges against those executed are recorded as blasphemy and spying, but others include sorcery, sodomy, practicing as a Shia Muslim."

This Changes Everything! Judi McLeod | July 1, 2015
Naomi Klein at the Vatican:

Charles Jamieson

Honda CR-V Tim Saunders | July 1, 2015
A very adaptable vehicle that makes an impressive family vehicle.

Porter, a cancer specialist, had been diagnosed with the disease in 2012.

A great summer for Farnham artist Tim Saunders | July 1, 2015
Susie Lidstone

Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling sparks outrage

Until 2010, the recorded number of annual expatriates was well below 1,000.

The show has faced criticism over the depiction of the controversial flag in the wake of the June 17 shooting in Charleston, S.C., that left nine dead, and what many viewed as South Carolina's delayed decision to take the flag down.

"At this point, we cannot ban anything and we cannot change our policy,"

May God help us survive 18 more months of absolute idiocy and wretched lack of morality from the narcissistic, loosely wrapped tyrant we now erroneously call president!

Activists demand answers to lawmakers' falsification of documents for ObamaCare perks.

“Once you move something out of family life, the family life education curriculum delivery method and into a health curriculum, by default, a parent no longer has the right to opt out,”

Nothing has really changed in Greece because it still has a delusional population and a socialist government that encourages the delusion

Journalistic Treachery Matthew Vadum | July 1, 2015
A new report's chilling findings on the extent of Soviet spies in the American press

Thorough study of the significance and consequences of different extreme events will bolster Israel’s ability to meet severe challenges successfully.

God is… Sarge | July 1, 2015
“We made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we knew him”.

Marriage is all about commitment, something even in his desperation to demoralize, Obama can’t possibly change

According to Frontline, the first to go will be China’s economy, in 2014; in 2015 the “political structure” of the Party will be destroyed

‘Waze’ for the sleep-deprived Guest Column | July 1, 2015
Sleep ASAP gathers data on ‘sleep strugglers’ and offers meetups and webinars introducing non-narcotic techniques for a good night’s sleep.

Walmart, Comcast Celebrate Gay Pride Cliff Kincaid | July 1, 2015
Who’s Who of corporate America that also included sponsors Coke, Netflix, Hilton, PBS, Macy’s and Comcast Universal (NBC)

The sick ambitions of a caliphate bent on carnage

How safe is YOUR holiday destination?
