
The potential "first dude" has said he intends to continue accepting speaking fees during the presidential campaign.

Mama's me-first millennials

Liberal senators imperil Obama trade bill News on the Net | May 12, 2015
It’s unclear if the White House and GOP leaders can get the necessary 60 votes to advance the legislation

Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL News on the Net | May 12, 2015
Islamophobia is an OXYMORON since having a Phobia means having an IRRATIONAL FEAR

Roy was known for his writings against religious fundamentalism

Now, He’s Fighting to Get It Back

Energy Department plans to spend more than $60 million in Russia for nuclear security activities at the same time U.S. and European Union sanctions are punishing Moscow for aggression against Ukraine

Obama’s Middle East Debacle Alan Caruba | May 12, 2015
You cannot make a greater mess of the mess that already exists in the Middle East, but Obama is doing his best to add to it. What else should we expect from a President who refuses to utter words like “Islamic terrorism”?

Industrial wind is a net loser: economically, environmentally, technologically and civilly

The coverage of the recent British elections has demonstrated that the term “conservative” has lost much of its meaning....

Attack of the UniParty: What to Do? Sandy Stringfellow | May 12, 2015
Reagan showed us the way: Time for constitutional conservative true grit in the face of an entrenched establishment hierarchy instead of blind, emotional party allegiance to a Progressive RINO Establishment

When compared to the costs of the grid going down for an extended time, a few billion dollars is a bargain

The Clintons’ Criminal Board of Trustees Matthew Vadum | May 12, 2015
Tech magnate Vinod Gupta, Hotelier Sant Singh Chatwal, Billionaire Victor Dahdaleh, Energy tycoon Rolando Gonzalez Bunster

"Put God first in everything you do."

Dems device tax repeal only makes ObamaCare MORE unsustainable, hastens its collapse, and accelerates the implosion

Top pro-life advocates are strongly supporting the final version of the bill up for a vote next week, according to the Weekly Standard.

“I think that is crossing the line between national security and politics,” Morell said.

Prince Harry Visits Ulva Island, New Zealand Travel New Zealand | May 11, 2015
There are three main walking tracks on the island between Post Office Cove, Sydney Cove, Boulder Beach and West End Beach

Every Saved Baby is a Step in the Right Direction Christian Newswire | May 11, 2015
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36).

Parkgoers on Sunday were uneasy after learning about the attacks.

Jews at the Crossroads Barry Shaw | May 11, 2015
Anti-Zionism feels the same as anti-Semitism does. It singles out, discriminates and targets the Jew. With Israel, it’s the collective Jew

An estimated 46,000 Twitter accounts were used by ISIS supporters, although not all of them were active at the same time from September to December 2014

Untreated, the disease can lead to complications in the gut and head, which may prove fatal in up to 20 percent of patients.

He suffered broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs and a brain bleed.

Earlier this year, the Department of Justice said it would not pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.

Skelos and his son Adam were arrested last week on charges of corruption.

Arizona Navy Vet Gets Guns Back, Thanks Second Amendment Foundation Second Amendment Foundation | May 11, 2015
SAF had intervened in the case of Glendale resident Rick Bailey early last month, taking on funding of the case and working with Chandler, Ariz., attorney Marc J. Victor

Hint: Her initials are Marilyn Mosby.

The Death of the Green Energy Movement Heritage Foundation | May 11, 2015
Oil production from 2007-2014 grew by more than 70 percent and natural gas production by nearly 30 percent.

