
Get with it, Mr. Speaker: Granting amnesty to invading criminals is a crazy idea that should be thrown out and NEVER revived!

Don’t be a Sochi Sucker Judi McLeod | February 6, 2014
The Olympic mantra “Let the Games Begin” should mean the games taking place at the the Fisht Olympic Stadium and not your personal information

Knocking Obama off the Keystone Fence Bogdan Kipling | February 6, 2014
Obama will do nothing before the congressional elections and more of nothing after the elections regardless of the results

Congress Still Refuses to Pay Our Military Veterans

Hating All Infidels Alan Caruba | February 6, 2014
Islam demands that infidels convert or accept a limited role called dhimmitude. That is our fate if we do not demonstrate our power and destroy those seeking to dominate the world

PAKISTAN: Christians Devastated by Death of Preacher News on the Net | February 6, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

No hope of things getting any better Guest Column | February 6, 2014
Capable people wandering the streets

"The rules are the rules."

With Pelosi's help, the crazy train jumps the tracks

When the Gipper faced a challenge like this, he conquered it. Obama? No.

Ways and Means investigation shows Treasury and the IRS were in cahoots.

February gardening: the ancient art of ornithomancy

The Hypocritical Oath Sarge | February 6, 2014
No politician actually ascribes to the concept of “first: do no harm”

Bam! We’re Already Hitting the Debt Ceiling Again Heritage Foundation | February 6, 2014
The new normal

U.S. situation getting worse Guest Column | February 6, 2014
ObamaCare, terrorism, economy, borders

When Liberals Attack, Lie and Play the Race Card Selwyn Duke | February 6, 2014
Low-info journalists disgorging low-truth work and now, more than ever, working for a low-readership media

My Pedro Pan Reunion Elvira Fernandez Hasty | February 6, 2014
Exodus of Cuban children under the sponsorship of the Catholic Welfare Bureau

America Has Lost Her Will to Live Selwyn Duke | February 6, 2014
Having been fed lies for decades, Americans will soon find out that their tomorrows will only be as great as their appreciation of their yesterdays

Where No One Locks The Door Doug Patton | February 6, 2014
Securing your home

Longer schools days, Charter Schools, Voucher system, Competition

ObamaCare: ‘Liberating’ the Workers Arnold Ahlert | February 6, 2014
Job-Lock: The Left explains why choosing not to work because of the health care law is a good thing

To suggest that Obama and Rice did everything right, and that they did not mislead the public, is disingenuous

Antunez was scheduled to address the Feb. 25th Geneva Summit for Human Rights, organized by global coalition of dissidents and NGOs

The Gay Attack on American Values Alan Caruba | February 5, 2014
It is 3% of the population demanding that 97% toss aside their faith and their values to accommodate the aberration called homosexuality

ObamaCare’s Economic Destruction Exposed Matthew Vadum | February 5, 2014
Obamacare will kill 2 million full-time American jobs

Jay Carney reveals himself, and it's utterly pathetic.

Charles Darwin’s Botanical Studies Wes Porter | February 5, 2014
February gardening: Berberis darwini

Mounting evidence links lead’s toxic effects to criminal behavior American Chemical Society | February 5, 2014
Babies born post-ban were exposed to far less lead

A novel laboratory instrument that combines an atomic force microscope with a tunable infrared laser source.

Electronically controlled drugs could minimize side effects American Chemical Society | February 5, 2014
Cui said this approach could be useful in treating epilepsy
