
Nolen, 30, murdered and beheaded Hufford on Sept. 25 at Vaughan Foods in Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City

Enacting same-sex marriage would not expand the institution of marriage but redefine it

Today the words and values of Hamas are repeated and promoted on campuses across the United States.

But then again, It's working

The responsibility for the undermining of marriage rests solely at the U.S. Supreme Court

The Lizard of Oz: Texas Beats Environmentalists Marita Noon | October 6, 2014
The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard story represents a new chapter in ESA compliance that allows conservation and productive activity to coexist

Ben is outraged! Outraged, I tell you!

Relax! TSA will screen for Ebola in airports Dan Calabrese | October 6, 2014
If it can figure out who to screen, which it has no idea how to do.

Tobacco Plants Lead the Way to Ebola Cure Wes Porter | October 6, 2014
Nicotiana benthamiana, already used to produce West Nile virus antibodies, offers similar protection against the devastating Ebola virus

Quick! Give a clever retort!

The left are extremely selective when speaking out against the persecution of Christians.

Who Are the Kurds? Alan Caruba | October 6, 2014
Kurds are an ethnic group who live in a sizeable area, though not a national one that borders Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It is referred to as Kurdistan

Rebirth of a Loyal Opposition Frank Gaffney Jr. | October 6, 2014
With a few notable exceptions, there has been a dearth of coherent, thoughtful, and articulate alternatives to Barack Obama’s egregiously failing agenda in the national security and foreign policy portfolio.

The harsh responses issued by White House and State Department spokespeople leave no room for doubt as to the cumulative damage of Israel’s pattern of a construction plan for almost every summit.

Teachers Sue Union for Censoring Charitable Donations Heritage Foundation | October 6, 2014
Of the union’s 180,000 members, he said, 200 have religious objections to paying the fee and their charitable choices were approved.

All hands on deck Sarge | October 6, 2014
Mr. Caldwell let a sex offender essentially go free with little more supervision than a scheduled visit to a Probation and Parole Office and assurances he can occasionally urinate into a cup without setting it afire

The protesters launch into an old civil rights song

GWPF Calls On Government To Suspend Fourth Carbon Budget

The Left’s fantasy world is no amusement park Rolf Yungclas | October 6, 2014
Republicans don't have the time or the desire to live in a fantasy world like the Left does

Ford Nation is still a Political Force Mitch Wolfe | October 6, 2014
Will help PM Harper in next general election

On The Inside Jimmy Reed | October 6, 2014
Natural is always more beautiful than Unnatural

Lawyer writes book defending Christian faith

The Empire of Progressive Poverty Daniel Greenfield | October 6, 2014
The Empire of Poverty is rising on the skeleton of the West, Eating out its abundance, preparing to lock down power, food, transportation, medical services, other elements of the commercial life of the formerly free world

That's why they play the games.

Measuring the effects of low-frequency sound (LFS) on the inner ear

Carbon Footprints – Good, Bad and Ugly Viv Forbes | October 5, 2014
Maybe environmentalists should lead by example and stop travelling, eating, drinking and breathing.

BioSil: A Natural Remedy Fights Arthritis and Osteoporosis W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | October 5, 2014
It’s not often that a natural remedy such as BioSil helps so many diverse problems.

Obama’s protestations are long, loud and groundless bleats of the pitiful excuses for his lack of leadership

RFK, Jr. wants me jailed…as a war criminal! Paul Driessen | October 5, 2014
Perhaps he should serve time for eco-manslaughter and crimes against humanity?

Identity Politics: Fool Us Twice, Shame on Us Lloyd Marcus | October 5, 2014
Obama is what you get when you sell your soul to identity politics, placing surface appearances above character, substance and not properly vetting candidates.
