
Even MSNBC recognizes how pathetic it is.

Moore v. Madigan

Sick people.


Acting for the Throne Sarge | April 21, 2015
To date, no Democrat of any consequence has challenged Hillary Clinton's impending coronation as Diva du jour

The Whitehouse-White House inquisition Paul Driessen | April 21, 2015
These Big Green companies, foundations, pressure groups and government unions give our politicians millions of dollars in campaign cash and in-kind help, to keep them in office and the gravy train on track.

In Louisiana, about 80 percent of the cost of solar installation is paid for through a combination of federal and state tax credits.

Obama: Blatant bribery... Do you think 50 billion of taxpayer money will seal the deal?

Calling a 5-Yr-Old ‘Transgender’ Is Child Abuse Warner Todd Huston | April 21, 2015
K through 3 is way, way too young for this garbage and any teacher or administrator who tries to indoctrinate kids with the LGBT agenda should be charged with child abuse.

“A lot of the information that came out of Covered California was misleading or outright lies,”

Sixty-nine churches and 11 Christian homes would all be burned down in a matter of hours

”At every turn, Hillary Clinton has supported top-down Washington-driven policies that have stacked the deck against small businesses,”

Mesquite, Texas

Male Stripper Performs At Gay Journalism Event Cliff Kincaid | April 21, 2015
Matter of gay rights, there’s no competition among the big media. They’re on the same side

Obama and the Brotherhood: The Ties that Bind Arnold Ahlert | April 21, 2015
Why exactly did the Egyptian media claim that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Obama and Kerry will press ahead in their never ending quest to give Iran everything they want in exchange for absolutely nothing

The Environmental Insane Asylum Alan Caruba | April 21, 2015
Climate Change: A self-created political fiasco

The Feminist Fantasy of Women in Combat Matthew Vadum | April 21, 2015
Diversity in the Defense Department is going to end up getting (more) Americans killed

The Obama economy is a disaster. By the way, the Republican majorities in Congress have so far proven pretty feckless in turning these policies around

A Traveler’s Guide for Stays in Downtown Montreal News on the Net | April 21, 2015
Montréal is an amazing place to live and visit. These ideas mentioned above are just the beginning of the adventures that can be had here. Come see for yourself!

Red-Chamber Blues William Bedford | April 20, 2015
CFP Poetry Online

In announcing the charges today, federal prosecutors singled out one Minneapolis native as allegedly helping to recruit his broader group of friends to ISIS.

“The Liberal government continues to mismanage the provincial budget leaving municipalities and taxpayers left to pick up the tab,”

Essence of Being Obsidian Right Nadra Enzi | April 20, 2015
As a member of the Obsidian Right, it's not the Heritage Foundation which makes me conservative, it's the foundation of my heritage.

Cuts in Social Security, Confiscation, or Wealth Redistribution? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 20, 2015
If anything needs cutting or confiscating is the politicians' power and insatiable desire to spend the taxpayers' money

The United States needs to respond to Iran with something beyond promising them that we will do everything they ask without demur.

Say No To Rubio Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 20, 2015
Rubio supported and argued that Obama's executive actions have benefited illegal aliens

Battlefield America: The War on the American People John W. Whitehead | April 20, 2015
If you haven't managed to read the writing on the wall yet, the war has begun.

Tulips & Financial Bubbles Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | April 20, 2015
How do you recognize when some valuations get into "bubble territory" and when is it "time to fold?"

‘Liars like Us’ J School:
