
Veterans Day: Saluting Soldiers of Faith

The ‘White Poppy President’ Judi McLeod | November 10, 2013
White Poppy piggybacking on the Red Poppy

Malone lived through World War II with his small unit of men – they protected him, and he them. His heirs lived to see his legacy continue through the silent witness of a helmet

The Bad Apple President Daniel Greenfield | November 10, 2013
The American people are being lied to every day by a bad apple president who covers up one lie with another lie and pastes an even crazier lie on top.

Obama’s Iranian Deal is a New Disaster Alan Caruba | November 10, 2013
U.S., Iran Close In on Nuclear Deal

"I like my doctor. I loved my insurance. They were paying just about everything."

Too Little Salt Or Too Much Salt? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | November 10, 2013
High blood pressure, sodium

Claim of ‘strongest storm ever’ refuted – Climate Depot Special Report

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation News on the Net | November 9, 2013
"Take Me To A Place"

It is NOT OK to invade America and violate our borders and immigration laws

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican Leader in the Senate, has decided to declare "war" on the conservatives who disagree with him

A Pricking of My Thumbs and a Salute Jim ONeill | November 9, 2013
Formidable degree of bravery, commitment, integrity, loyalty, perseverance, heroism, fortitude, and patriotism

ObamaCare:  Will the Past be a Guide to the Future? Morry Markovitz | November 9, 2013
Amount of time from the day we were attacked at Pearl Harbor until the day Germany surrendered was not enough for the current Federal Government to build a working web page

24/7 Politics—Enough Already! Arthur Christopher Schaper | November 9, 2013
This restlessness is growing stronger in our culture. Instant media has only fed this discontent

Let's get over this and stop the mischievous, misfortunate speeches out here every day about how bad it is."

If you're keeping track, this is at least pivot number 20

For the dictator who will welcome Dennis Rodman but not God.

Iranians are proliferating the number of front companies and cutouts to bust sanctions

American Deserve Real Obama Apology Tour Jeff Crouere | November 9, 2013
President Obama owes every American an apology

Westerner’s eyewitness account of the dramatic events that happened last year on September 11 and 12, during the Benghazi attacks

Meanwhile, let’s hope the last one out of the GridEx 2 simulation exercise turns North America’s lights back on.

Through the Bums, and the Bummer Policies Out! Arthur Christopher Schaper | November 8, 2013
A vapid tantrum of Throw the bums out! alone will not ensure better governance

Obama Deceiving Americans on Healthcare Dag Barkley | November 8, 2013
How do we know you are not lying now?

New Fan Buddie Improves Indoor Air Quality In Homes News on the Net | November 8, 2013
Turns any ordinary box fan into an efficient and effective whole room air scrubber

Since 2006, long-term pension-style support replaced with reduced lump-sum payment, leaving many veterans in dire financial straits

Out- of-touch media and idiot politicians Guest Column | November 8, 2013
Re - media, politics in Canada…

Election 2014 worries Guest Column | November 8, 2013
President's motivation for apologies

Comment on Saudi-Jordan Trade of UN Seats UN Watch | November 8, 2013
"It is appalling that seats on the world's top human rights body are being traded like merchandise, treated as trinkets by non-democracies

The Headache’s coming Sarge | November 8, 2013
The Tea Party Movement is the stone in David’s sling and as long as we stand strong and resolve to not relent; Goliath should consider stepping off the field.
