
VHA GLA EMERGENCY HEADS UP—Level 2 Robert L. Rosebrock | November 22, 2015
It's time for all Veterans to awaken from their hypnotic slumber and stop believing that "talking with the enemy" will bring peace and prosperity for Veterans.

A Christian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis Matt Barber | November 22, 2015
The pagan left and the pagan Muslims share a common enemy. He is Christ, Who is Truth

Trans Pacific Partnership Content Revealed News on the Net | November 22, 2015
TN Note: There have been very few articles that analyze exactly what is in the TPP agreement, but this one does an authoritative job of it

True irony in the green not the white David L. Hunter | November 22, 2015
Make no mistake here, the person who actually got the “deal” was not among the group the giddy shoppers—some locals, others who made a special trip from afar—to save a few greenbacks.

The Hypocritical President Guest Column | November 22, 2015
Obama tracking Americans while complaining about the idea of tracking Muslims

'It is extraordinary cinemas rule it is inappropriate for an advert on prayer to be shown in the week before Christmas'

Not one single American should feel bad about nor should they remain silent. We have a President with a sinister agenda

To Pope Francis Christmas only a “charade” Judi McLeod | November 22, 2015
Global Warming, Islamic terrorism, Obama's migrant invasion

I Am a Terrorist Jim Yardley | November 22, 2015
Of course the greatest terrorist fear that they have from all of us is that we just might vote Republican

It’s clear that Jeb Bush plans on continuing to “force the situation” that led to the rise of ISIS and some of the worst atrocities of modern history — especially against Christians, who Bush says he wants to help

Thank you, CFP Guest Column | November 22, 2015

Canada to fly in 900 Syrian refugees a day: reports News on the Net | November 21, 2015
Citing a leaked document, local media said the government was planning to fly in 900 Syrian refugees daily from Jordan to Montreal and Toronto, starting December 1.

Premier’s Electric Cars Run on Carbon Fuels Viv Forbes | November 21, 2015
The sun does not shine at night, so the car will have to rely on grid-power from coal.

Perhaps Obama should issue an Executive Order to ban all public displays of the Christmas spirit, scared music, holiday shopping, Christmas trees, exchanging of gifts, Christmas cards, other disrespectful behavior designed solely to mock Allah

The Chickens of Communism Have Come Home to Roost Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | November 21, 2015
If people fail to understand the concept of Big Brother Government and the Welfare State, forgetting patriotism, cultural heritage, and history, all freedoms will vanish.

States can guard against Fed-sponsored refugees A. Dru Kristenev | November 21, 2015
Protection of this nation from the insidious importation of terror under the guise of poor, despondent refugees. States must prosecute their authority as expressed by the Constitution

Provision Air Ministries News on the Net | November 21, 2015
God finally removed my blinders and showed me exactly what He wanted me to do for Him

The Road to War Sharon Sebastian | November 21, 2015
President Obama's denigrations and actions against Christians and Jews signals to the enemy that they have commonality with America's President

...and receive better treatment (and better salaries) than any of their peers

Ignore them…They’re just happy Muslim tourists Dag Barkley | November 21, 2015
Allah Ackbar! Death to America!

Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion Cliff Kincaid | November 21, 2015
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ acceptance of over $70 million a year of taxpayer dollars to similarly resettle thousands of impoverished third-worlders, many from Muslim countries

Clearly, Hillary Clinton has bought into the Kool-aid and snake-oil concoction created and promoted by Barack Obama.

In other words, ISIS is nothing new. This “hijacking” has been going on for quite some time, and is considerably more widespread than ISIS. Who is the New York Times trying to kid?

Iraq seizes Canadian Forces aircraft News on the Net | November 20, 2015
No equipment or cargo was confiscated by Iraqi authorities.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage is more popular than David Cameron, a shock new poll has revealed.

More than 900 leading medical professionals from around the world have signed an open letter appealing for the decriminalisation of abortion.

Poll commissioned by non-partisan advocacy group found voter turnout in GTA was 88 per cent among the Muslim community in nine ridings where group worked to get out the vote.

‘We can’t get clearance even when we have a clear target in front of us’

Democrats prefer fantasy to reality Jeff Crouere | November 20, 2015
The terrorists were telling the world all we need to know about the threat we face. Unfortunately, President Obama, the Democratic presidential candidates and left wing political leaders in Europe and this country refuse to listen

Now that the Senate has passed the three disapproval resolutions, the House is confronted with a critical decision as to whether it will address the Obama Administration’s environmental overreach.
