
The big question: How many innocent American lives will be destroyed as a result of Obama’s blatant lies about the dangers of admitting Syrian refugees?

Revolutionary Guards Quds Force's notorious chief Qassem Suleimani severely injured in clashes south of Aleppo

I bet the Ukranians get pretty excited at the prospect of one of those Humvees arriving so they can tear it apart instead of driving it. That'll put the fear of God into the Russkies

Having Muslim nations in NATO much like having Muslim individuals in the West? Is it just a matter of time before one of them takes up the sword for Allah?

The American war against the Jews Caroline Glick | December 1, 2015
Despite the substantial funds that have been devoted to fighting anti-Israel forces on campuses, they have not been diminished.

Civilization Could Actually Lose This War Eddie Pedersen | December 1, 2015
If we get it wrong and elect Hillary, the rest of the world will be along for the ride. We mustn't let that happen because it's not just America but civilization that could actually lose in this war.

Donald Trump Mocks Obama’s Selfie-taking News on the Net | December 1, 2015
President Obama’s willingness to pose on the internet

Benghazi Commission: Obama Admin Gun-Running Scheme Armed Islamic State • Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Geopolitical insight is paramount to success, and while no one will have all the answers, good management will at least be prepared for a number of eventualities

No cartons of takeout — instead, the gang fueled up after a long day of climate talks at L’Ambroisie, the three-Michelin-starred temple of gastronomie in the Marais neighborhood.

Trump Rides a Blue-Collar Wave News on the Net | November 30, 2015
Fifty-five percent of his supporters are white working-class.

Dear appears to have no association with the pro-life movement and those who know him say he is an awkward man who never discussed religion or abortion

The majority of the 132 Syrian refugees permitted to resettle in the U.S. since November 13 (72) are male, the minority female (60). Of the 132 total, 39 (29.5 percent) have been men between the ages of 14 and 50.

The Farce of the Paris Climate Summit Institute for Energy Research | November 30, 2015
President Obama has consolidated a deal with officials from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Israel Ensures European Union Swallows Poison Pill David Singer | November 30, 2015
The EU now faces swallowing a poison pill of its own making

A jihad for education Avik Jain | November 30, 2015
To wage and win a jihad for education, to achieve enlightenment, to gradually see pockets of learning appear amidst pervasive depravity, the world can be made anew; more open, better armed, and stronger in the struggle to save the minds of humanity

Christmas message never more relevant Gerald Hall | November 30, 2015
Pope Francis painting a dim picture

Sweden: 14,000 Illegal Immigrants Disappear Without Trace News on the Net | November 30, 2015
"We simply don't know where they are," says the head of the national border police.

'They shouldn't cash the check just yet,' Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., says.

Save the Environment—Mail Your Shoes to Paris Judi McLeod | November 30, 2015
COP21 in Paris: Express Post your shoes...that'll "save the environment"


Another shutdown showdown?

A natural-born moron.

Which we don't yet know, but one of his victims was a pro-life Christian police officer

All at once...

Those lucky to escape with their lives face lashings, imprisonment and exclusion from the job market

As has become customary for the president, Obama predicted doom for the planet, citing his summer visit to Alaska to personally view the effects of climate change.

“We urge Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to personally intervene because UNRWA has abjectly failed to uphold its promises to stop the poison,” said Neuer.

The oil-and-gas industry’s search to do things better and more cost effectively, could provide the answer to America’s water woes.

Any chance for preventing further escalation lies in devising competing and more attractive alternatives ideals to the national and religious radicalization capturing the hearts of the younger Palestinians.
