
Republican Leaders Fight Back Against IRS Power Grab Matthew Vadum | February 10, 2014
Investigators still haven’t interviewed many conservative groups that were denied tax-exempt status

The full weight of the law should come down on this creep’s head

AIPAC and Iran’s war against America Caroline Glick | February 10, 2014
Dire threat Iran’s nuclear weapons program constitutes for the security of the United States of America

Let’s return our nation to a first-world land where rule of law, rather than racial electoral politics, reigns supreme!

Look behind the Iran warships headed to U.S. borders Doug Hagmann | February 10, 2014
Make no mistake, the Iranian ships are pieces on this board and under Putin's control

Tyranny and dictatorships require a population that has been indoctrinated with the ideologies of its rulers

‘Fab Four's World Tour’ Package

Global warming was never based on real science. It was conjured up using dubious computer models

Lessons learned.

You would think that, at some point, we'd run out of "you can't make this stuff up" moments.

Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up Marita Noon | February 10, 2014
Key domestic species that should be preserved, protected and recovered would be better served by targeted legislative changes that can truly benefit species and people

Iran threatens to sink U.S. warship Dan Calabrese | February 10, 2014

Reflections on Black History Month Herman Cain | February 10, 2014

Protect the Grid Now Frank Gaffney Jr. | February 10, 2014
The technology is available, the costs are affordable. Indeed, the costs of inaction are unsupportable.

Why Did The Met Office Forecast A Dry Winter? Guest Column | February 10, 2014
2012: UK Environment Minister Warns Climate Change Threatens More Dry Winters

This deal will work. It will end the occupation. It will end the conflict with the Palestinians. The Americans, the Israelis, the Palestinians and the world will all be better off for it.

In Republican Politics, O’Reilly’s Not A Factor Guest Column | February 10, 2014
The Republican Party base is consistently smeared by people like Bill O’Reilly

Stuck in Congressional “Groundhog Day” Heritage Foundation | February 10, 2014
The U.S. national debt reached nearly $17.3 trillion at midnight on February 7

Iran Answers Appeasement with Warships Arnold Ahlert | February 10, 2014
The frightening failure of Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with the Islamic Republic.

Pietro And Videlma Jimmy Reed | February 10, 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day, Pietro and Videlma

Senator Tom Harkin; Once Bitten Twice Duped Humberto Fontova | February 10, 2014
Cuba's Healthcare System, The official Cuban infant-mortality figure is a farce

Fox’s Pied Piper of Low information Voters Judi McLeod | February 10, 2014
Bill O'Reilly: Uncrowned leader of the LIVs

"Dogs bark," Prof. Fischer. "But the caravan passes on."

The Secular Religion of the Left Daniel Greenfield | February 10, 2014
Left can't replace family or religion. Its social solutions are alien, artificial. They fix nothing and damage everything. Their appeal is to those who are arrogant, starved for meaning, who want religion without religion and family without

Obama's Diabolical Attack on Employment is a Clear Rejection of Mankind's Genesis Mandate

As the Republican Party heads toward irrelevance under establishment control, embracing Tea Party positions and their candidates will bring a much needed infusion of life into the party

Palestine—Jordan Not Jumping For Joy David Singer | February 10, 2014
Kerry appears to understand that Jordan--an integral part of the Jewish-Arab conflict since 1920 - is the lynchpin to achieving any solution

Economy on fumes

The ignorance and hypocrisy behind oil export bans Paul Driessen | February 9, 2014
Help consumers, security, environment by eliminating prohibition on exporting US oil and gas
