
Chicago on the Potomac Dr. Robert R. Owens | March 5, 2015
After years of being treated as if the Wisdom of the Ages were as relevant as Confucius in a fortune cookie now that we have Chicago on the Potomac the wisdom gained in the City that Works is suddenly spot-on.

Anyone who still believes that Obama and his dependent followers are still of the Christian faith as he so often lies, has green cheese for brains

The need for speed superseded the obligation to fact check. And belief, feelings, were prioritized over facts. Because the mainstream media mob all agreed that it was mental illness, the Globe and Mail cannot be faulted for following the pack

Blaming the Baby Boomers for the Economy Guest Column | March 5, 2015
Selfishly hoarding jobs?

Wynne and Sandals have lied to the Public News on the Net | March 5, 2015
Ontario Sex Education Program

Turning our country over to the Muslims Guest Column | March 5, 2015
New York city schools and Bill deBlasio

...Something MSNBC knows all about.

But State can only release the e-mails Hillary gives them because they're on her private server.

Texas Oil Output Surges To Highest Level Since The 1970s

Hillary Will Not Run for President Alan Caruba | March 5, 2015
If you had the choice between a life of great wealth and fame as opposed to the daily inquisition and criticism that comes with the presidency, which would you choose?

Tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri: A Teachable Moment about Due Process

A team of Royal Canadian Navy ice divers and Park’s Canada underwater archeologists will undertake continuous daily dives beneath the Arctic ice to HMS Erebus.

Smoking kills. Vaping is a safer alternative, and our nation’s regulatory policy will save lives if it reflects this fact.

“I think we had a fair opportunity to present our case, and I think our case was very compelling. I’m happy with the way the argument went,” said Michael Carvin, the lawyer for the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell.

Despite the grave economic crisis, Russia will likely not capitulate to Western pressures, as evidenced by the continuation of the fighting in eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed forces and Western-backed government forces.

America—You be the Judge James A. Lyons, Jr. Admiral, USN (ret) | March 5, 2015
Thousands of American lives lost due to Iran’s more than 35 years of aggression against the United States, it is inconceivable that any American administration would agree to enter into such a critical...

Defy and Nullify: The alternative is to walk legally and quietly into that good night, going out not with a bang but a whimper, muttering something about 2016, the Supreme Court and pixie dust

Dems Spin Furiously for Hillary Matthew Vadum | March 5, 2015
If Hillary Clinton succeeds Obama as president, expect four to eight more years of nonstop lying and deceit. Hillary, like Obama, is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth.

Hands-up-don't-shoot never happened, in spite of what you were led to believe.

Waco - A Lesson in History Gary Hunt | March 5, 2015
Looking Back at Waco

Obama Budget to Make Wind Subsidies Permanent Institute for Energy Research | March 5, 2015
AWEA, Obama, Wind PTC

The Ages of Purim Daniel Greenfield | March 4, 2015
Purim is a reminder that real Jewish values are not a suicide pact or a soppy tale of moral ambiguity and bleeding heart empathy for genocidal monsters

When the braying of donkeys is joined by the trumpeting of elephants, some important deaths go completely unnoticed

Hillary’s Spam Dave Macy | March 4, 2015
Hillary is not unlike my email spam: full of worthless solicitations, scams, and offers that only the most desperate and dumbest people would reply to. Thank God I have a spam filter!

The Brazilian Court Hotel in Palm Beach resides just steps away from the luxurious, world-renowned shops of Worth Avenue and the sapphire waters and sugar-white sands of the Atlantic Ocean.

SAF Authorizes Court Action If .223 Ammo Ban Is Implemented Second Amendment Foundation | March 4, 2015
“This proposal is just an attempt to limit firearms rights because the President’s other such attempts have been blocked through constitutional checks and balances on his power.

Too often, the justices are considered politicians by another name, and this lobbying campaign only helps further that misperception

The future doesn’t feel bright Guest Column | March 4, 2015
Economy, illegal immigration, jobs,

Pardon me, Say again Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | March 4, 2015
Hearing Loss

A "clean bill" now means a bill containing everything Obama wants, and only what Obama wants.
