
In your Dreams Hot Shot

Castro’s mass burglary of U.S. property as “the largest uncompensated taking of American property by a foreign government in history.”

Marine in Mexican Misery Jeff Crouere | May 31, 2014
A real superpower would not allow one of its soldiers to be improperly detained. If we are still a world superpower, it is time we started acting like one

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Assesses Obama’s Promised Climate Rule Institute for Energy Research | May 31, 2014
Announcement by President Obama cannot be good for Americans. Higher electricity prices, Lower disposable income for families, Reduction in the economy's output, Job losses

False Alarms in the Frigid Zone Viv Forbes | May 30, 2014
There is nothing unusual about ice caps melting, ice sheets splitting, icebergs calving or glaciers advancing or retreating

Why You Should Be Alarmed About Marijuana Legalization Heritage Foundation | May 30, 2014
According to a Former Obama Drug Adviser

Thomas More Society-Omaha Defends Sidewalk Counselor in Planned Parenthood Complaint

Carbon dioxide won’t cause famines Dennis Avery | May 30, 2014
In fact, more atmospheric CO2 will spur crop growth – if we let it

It just isn’t enough – Suffer some more Dr. Laurie Roth | May 30, 2014
Congress: What will your legacy be? - Avoidance, treachery and betrayal or, Courage, guts and integrity?

Obama Fundamental Transformation spoor shows that he’s going after them in all age groups from cradle to grave

Mindfulness, Buddhist Method of Indoctrination Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 30, 2014
“Mindfulness is pure religion” and our children are not lab rats

One man can only spin so much

After nearly 16 months of separation, Justina requires much healing - physically, emotionally, and spiritually


Shimon Peres’ legacy Caroline Glick | May 30, 2014
Israel requires sober-minded leaders who measure their success by how their actions benefit Israel.

As always, Obama thinks political expedience trumps competence

Polish Americans Fight Against WWII Media Errors Frank Milewski | May 30, 2014

It took a long time Sarge | May 30, 2014
How can WE as Americans change the course of “Climate Change” on our own? Answer: we can’t

The Bengtsson Affair & The GWPF Guest Column | May 30, 2014
Welcome to the Age of Unenlightenment

Create a culture of accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Why Gridlock is a Good Thing Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 30, 2014
The biggest hurdle we have in maintaining the safety of gridlock is that the Progressives have captured the leadership of both major parties


New World Order: “In your face, peasants!” Bruce Deitrick Price | May 30, 2014
Education: Constructivism, Inquiry and Discovery, Look-say reading, Reform Math, Common Core

‘There are several lines of evidence suggesting that it (AGW) is a weaker case today, not a stronger case’

The “You Didn’t Do That” Society Daniel Greenfield | May 30, 2014
Choice: A society of individual responsibility where everyone can be trusted to own a gun and a society of collectivist irresponsibles where no one can be trusted to own a gun

Obama’s Cold Reception at West Point Dag Barkley | May 30, 2014
Clearly it was the Koch Brothers Fault...

Only if I tell them to...

Heart in throat. Underwear in need of change

ICYMI: U.S. Has Surplus of Energy Resources Institute for Energy Research | May 29, 2014
Bakken, Barack Obama, Coal, natural gas, north dakota, oil

All Twitter has done is provide the path of convenience and make-believe for politicians who so eagerly prey on the masses
