
Is Pope Francis a Socialist? Robin Rohr | April 13, 2014
Is Pope Francis a socialist? No. He is a Christian

The End of the Bundy Affair (maybe) Gary Hunt | April 13, 2014
Government taking control over as much of the public lands as possible

In contrast, the growing illegal alien population sets back US taxpayers more than $100 BILLION a Year!


Put one in the Ted Cruz win column.

Democrats are reaching deep in to their bag of tricks

Anantomy of Meadow Muffins

Blackrobes, Black Hats, Black Deeds

Governor Sandoval: Send in the Guard Doug Hagmann | April 12, 2014
The telephone or the tinderbox, it's one man's call

Obama decries ‘bogus’ voter fraud complaints News on the Net | April 11, 2014
President Obama labeled complaints about voter fraud “bogus” and accused Republicans of cynically trying to prevent Americans from accessing the polls

How out of touch politicians and journalists can become

Sebelius had struggled to defend her agency’s performance in the ObamaCare rollout both in the media and before congressional panels, the New York Times noted this evening.

Tens of millions of migrating birds and bats, possibly billions, that would be seriously impacted by even 6-9 industrial wind turbines at Cleveland

Rise in U.S. trade deficit Guest Column | April 11, 2014
Great news for our foreign competitors

Reid has a nasty Koch habit

Forgetting freedom on Passover Caroline Glick | April 11, 2014
Festival of freedom

Sebelius experienced a glitch of her own when the last page of her speech went missing

Oil painter Mike Service from Combe Down, Bath

April gardening: ‘Fresh Florida Tomato Month’

Putin Threatens To Turn Off The Gas Guest Column | April 11, 2014
Threat Of Energy War Shakes European Leaders

Patriotism vs Harry Reid Guest Column | April 11, 2014
Promoting Democratic agendas to the detriment of our citizens

The Charts Obama Doesn’t Want You to See Heritage Foundation | April 11, 2014
If you’re trying to save for a car or house—or just paying rent to have your own place—seeing your premiums double is quite a blow

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brandeis’ Double Standards Arnold Ahlert | April 11, 2014
A heroic defender of oppressed Muslim women is persona non grata; but pernicious anti-Semites get the red carpet

Yes, America Did Build That Dr. Robert R. Owens | April 11, 2014
America’s first great contribution to the world: the concept of a written constitution.

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Zimbabwe comes to America:

Ron Burgundy, Edward Snowden, Walter Duranty, Pulitzer Prize, Russian Active Measure

Hispanics are No Longer a Minority Jim Yardley | April 11, 2014
Mr. Holder claims that his experience was unprecedented, using the same logic as could be applied to AG Gonzales is no longer to be classed as a member of an oppressed minority

Democrats Getting High on Koch Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 11, 2014
Democratic Senators David Pryor, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their Koch Money

Germany’s Green Energy Failure Institute for Energy Research | April 10, 2014
Europe, Germany, green energy, renewables, wind energy, Wind PTC

Tax policy should be about the running the government while encouraging prosperity
