
States are our only hope Rolf Yungclas | April 14, 2014
Return power back to the states and individuals, as described in the 10th Amendment

Thank God for the Second Amendment, social media, and the stalwart pioneers who settled this desolate corner of the Old West

Palm Sunday: Mr. Gibson, Your Genius is Sorely Missed! Father Paul Nicholson | April 13, 2014
Mel Gibson, Passion of the Christ

At Year Six, Let's Respect Barack by Assuming His Outcomes Are Designed & Desired

BLM walked out of the arena because patriots converged on the scene ensuring their campaign against a single rancher would now be conducted in front of live cameras

Take Back the West Michael Oberndorf, RPA | April 13, 2014
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), USDA-Forest Service, Corps of Engineers, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)

All the claims that the Affordable Care Act had costs under control were wrong.

As conservatives we should not make the mistake of falling into the judgmental trap. We should leave righteous indignation to the Liberals.

Redistribution of death (Part 2) Herman Cain | April 13, 2014
Your life in their hands.

Check out this hilarious dance battle!

Are You Lucky? Guest Column | April 13, 2014
Foreclosure, Family Dollar store closings, IRS targets

Death by Measles?? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | April 13, 2014
Klenner’s advice to doctors was right to the point. He said he had never seen a patient who could not benefit by vitamin C

American Grit Triumphs Over Progressive Tyranny! John Lillpop | April 13, 2014
Oh, how SWEET the taste of victory by rancher Cliven Bundy over the tyranny of King Barack and his gang of armed bullies!

Kerry's mission impossible not unsurprisingly turned out to be an ignominious diplomatic failure

We chose the insanity and destructiveness of our current government. We can choose more wisely next time, if only we will

The War Within the GOP Alan Caruba | April 13, 2014
Americans see the TEA Party as the salvation of the nation. Republican Party too often looks pale by comparison

Is Pope Francis a Socialist? Robin Rohr | April 13, 2014
Is Pope Francis a socialist? No. He is a Christian

The End of the Bundy Affair (maybe) Gary Hunt | April 13, 2014
Government taking control over as much of the public lands as possible

In contrast, the growing illegal alien population sets back US taxpayers more than $100 BILLION a Year!


Put one in the Ted Cruz win column.

Democrats are reaching deep in to their bag of tricks

Anantomy of Meadow Muffins

Blackrobes, Black Hats, Black Deeds

Support Canada Free Press


Governor Sandoval: Send in the Guard Doug Hagmann | April 12, 2014
The telephone or the tinderbox, it's one man's call

Obama decries ‘bogus’ voter fraud complaints News on the Net | April 11, 2014
President Obama labeled complaints about voter fraud “bogus” and accused Republicans of cynically trying to prevent Americans from accessing the polls

How out of touch politicians and journalists can become

Sebelius had struggled to defend her agency’s performance in the ObamaCare rollout both in the media and before congressional panels, the New York Times noted this evening.

Tens of millions of migrating birds and bats, possibly billions, that would be seriously impacted by even 6-9 industrial wind turbines at Cleveland

Rise in U.S. trade deficit Guest Column | April 11, 2014
Great news for our foreign competitors
