
The lies of illegal immigration and infanticide Doug Hagmann | August 23, 2015
Deliberate perversion of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights by those complicit in the destruction of our nation from within

Black “Lies” Matter Chuck Lehmann | August 23, 2015
False narrative by black rabble-rousers trying to agitate for more violence and confrontation. Where is our president when we need leadership to stem this violence?

Hillary, although a congenital liar and disreputable scalawag could, if she wished, send Obama and his Legacy Building Team into shock with a few explosive morsels leaked to the media hither and yonder.

Climate Crisis, Inc. Paul Driessen | August 23, 2015
$1.5 trillion and Larry Bell book explain how profiteers of climate doom keep the money flowing

Hating Trump’s Message Lloyd Marcus | August 23, 2015
Trump saying such things as wanting to “make America a winner” and “make our military strong” is extremely crass to the Left; repulsive as showing Dracula the cross.

Arizona Humane Society officials monitored the dog during the entire rescue and estimated the puppy, a pit bull terrier mix, was between 1 and 2 weeks old.

"After Ireland and the U.S. Supreme Court both approved same-sex 'marriage,' a strong reaffirmation of Church teaching could save the sacred institution of marriage, strengthen the family and dispel the lies of the homosexual revolution,

Food Flavorings and Obesity Jack Dini | August 22, 2015
As big food producers find new ways to make our favorite snacks more flavorful, we run the risk of forgetting what real food tastes like.

How US Sugar Policies Just Helped America Lose 600 Jobs Heritage Foundation | August 22, 2015
Sugar-using industries now have a big incentive to relocate from the United States to countries where access to their primary ingredient is not restricted.

The VA Declares War on Veterans Michael R. Shannon | August 22, 2015
It’s time for the Vietnam solution: Destroy the VA in order to save it. Privatize the hospitals, give a generous severance package to all the paper pushers

New Study Re-Evaluates the Social Cost of Carbon Institute for Energy Research | August 22, 2015
Economic Development Makes Life Better

The power of Jewish indignation Caroline Glick | August 22, 2015
When Jews stand up to anti-Semites, the anti-Semites back down

Today, a judge lifted the order and Center for Medical Progress immediately released a new video.

SAF, Florida Carry Want Tallahassee Officials Fined Second Amendment Foundation | August 22, 2015
“What is truly annoying about this case is that the defendants have had ample opportunities to fix the problem, and they simply haven’t done it,”

St. Louis Back in Flames Arnold Ahlert | August 22, 2015
As the progressive crime waves claims more black lives


All of which the State Department insisted did not exist.

..But not Planned Parenthood itself.

China Conducts Live-Fire Drills in Disputed Sea News on the Net | August 21, 2015
War games follow Kerry call to end island building

U.N.’s nuclear watchdog

An example of Pyongyang’s capability at tunneling and building secret below-ground military facilities

They take down Kalashnikov-wielding Moroccan gunman known to intelligence services

New Zealand’s Must-Eat Seafoods Travel New Zealand | August 21, 2015
The South Island coastal highway, southeast from Blenheim to Kaikoura, has been described as one of the most beautiful ocean roads in the world

Onion Lake and four other bands, along with Dene National Chief, should apologize for wasting scarce band dollars fighting to keep band information secret

I need a hero Sarge | August 21, 2015
I want somebody to expose the truth about the hidden agendas, not supplant them with their own.

In addition, all of the special czar offices established by Barack Obama will cease to exist at midnight, January 20, 2017

So what are some of the issues surrounding birthright citizenship, and how are those opposed looking to end it? The Daily Signal explains.

Mr. Cummings‘ letter asks for documents on CMP funding, donors, associates, activities and meetings and copies of all video and audio footage with Planned Parenthood employees.

While the media go on about Josh Duggar
