
Courtesy of Freedom of Expression:

Only Fools Trust Obama or the Iranians Alan Caruba | April 7, 2015
When Iran tests its first nuclear weapon, Obama should return his Nobel Peace Prize.

World Prepares for Russian Aggression Douglas V. Gibbs | April 7, 2015
The Russian Bear is on the prowl

Waiting for a Leader to Emerge Jeff Lukens | April 7, 2015
Together, we will restore this great nation. We are just watching and waiting for you to come forward

Jeb Bush Plays the Race Card! John Lillpop | April 7, 2015
Having barely survived Bush-41 and 43, it is simply asking too much of the American people to ask them to elect another mindless Bush to the presidency!

The Obama approach is to remove all threats of military action, remove all economic sanctions, trust Iran to keep its word . . . and then sign a deal that even he doesn't claim keeps them from getting the bomb.

India To Double Coal Production By 2020 Guest Column | April 7, 2015
India Won’t Bow To Western Pressure On CO2 Emissions, Modi Says

Christians in America will be severely persecuted and eventually put to the sword unless we take a hard stand immediately and fight these tyrants and organized criminals with every means at our disposal

“Rand has the chance to be the iPhone of politics and be truly different from some of the flip-phone and rotary dial, same-old-idea candidates around him,” former Kentucky congressman Geoff Davis says.

Liberalism and the Left Guest Column | April 7, 2015

This president's goal is to harm this country. It is indisputable.

Skeptics: What do you think? It's hard to believe he went through this ordeal and looked as good as everyone said he did. Almost as hard as believing he would make it up.

From the beautiful northern white beaches of Whangarei where Maori culture is ever-present, through the cultural capital of Wellington, and down to the wildlife area of Dunedin

Suspected VEVAK Agent Poses as Researcher at Harvard & MIT Rabbi Dr. Daniel M. Zucker | April 6, 2015
My deduction is that Dr. Salsabili works as an agent for VEVAK, given his essay, despite his professed interest in non-proliferation. But whether he is or isn’t, his conclusions should be rejected completely.

There is grave concern that Iran’s program, though subject to a final agreement to be signed by Iran and by the powers, will not be a nuclear program for peaceful purposes

“Stop Thief!”... Obama will be taking every secret ever stored at the White House with him when he goes

Defending New Jersey’s Politicians Alan Caruba | April 6, 2015
The White House clearly could not permit a prominent Democratic senator to tell the Israelis and the world what a bunch of jackasses they were.

Big money Republican donors such as Paul Singer, David Koch, and Peter Thiel have either endorsed homosexual rights and same-sex marriage or funded the homosexual movement.

Liberal policies turn a small problem into a statewide crisis.

State sponsor of terrorism.

“When a president stands up in the well of the House, no matter what you feel about him, and someone screams out, ‘You lie,’ it’s about decorum,”

Heliconia Turned On by Hummingbird Foreplay Wes Porter | April 6, 2015
In Costa Rica, Heliconia tortuosa with its showy red and yellow blooms is regarded as a ‘keystone” species in the ecological web.

SAF Takes Case Of Arizona Navy Vet Whose Guns Were Seized Second Amendment Foundation | April 6, 2015
The case of 56-year-old Rick Bailey

Apparently, when you have emotion and messaging on your side, you do not need to be impeded by facts

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A comedian does the only substantive Snowden interview.

The non-denominational church has a membership of about 1,200 people – but only 275 can fit in the sanctuary

We Did It Together! Lloyd Marcus | April 6, 2015
God used the Left's attack to bless not just Memories Pizza, but give a must needed shot of feel-good inspiration in the arm of the Tea Party movement.

“StreetShares in essence reproduces the George Bailey days of banking. But, we do it using technology,” said Mark Rockefeller

Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Gerald Butts’ was equating Christians with devil-worshippers
