
WHY WAS BIDEN BOOED? LET ME COUNT THE WAYS Jeff Crouere | August 30, 2023
If there was ever a president who deserved to be booed by the American people, it is Joe Biden.

In Alaska, Biden will 'participate in a memorial ceremony with members of the military and their families,' according to a brief statement by the White House

The Biden administration has already implemented a ban on incandescent light bulbs, which came into effect on Aug. 1

This legal precedent has now had a trickle-down effect on all outstanding court cases and charges laid during the pandemic

“We are seeing a horrific abuse of our justice system in that five pro-life activists are potentially facing eleven years in prison for peaceful pro-life activism”

Reports: AP Funded by Far-Left Groups News on the Net | August 30, 2023
A June report from CatholicVote revealed a list of seven terms the AP Stylebook recently instructed journalists not to use: “illegal immigrant,” “groomer,” “mutilation,” “pro-abortion,” “transgenderism,” “abortionist,” and “transsexual”

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works”

“What we need to do is go back to wearing masks in crowded indoor settings and classrooms are absolutely classic crowded indoor settings”

California AG Files Lawsuit Against Pro-Parent Policy News on the Net | August 30, 2023
“While many people will help shape a child into the person they will become, no influence is as profound and enduring as that of the child’s parents”

Since Vanguard is a charter school, it is publicly funded with taxpayer dollars, yet it is privately run, separate from the Colorado public school system

90% of the cameras in South East London have already been "retired"

Viktor Orbán: If you want to stop World War III, Bring Back Trump Tucker Carlson on Twitter | August 30, 2023
Episode 20, Tucker on Twitter, Interview with Viktor Orbán

Find out what the police and school board officials REALLY think about YOU when they forget the camera is rolling…

Men are Men and Women are Women, and NOTHING can change that!

There is no consistent correlation between carbon dioxide and Earth's temperature—at times CO2 was 1300% of today, and we were stuck in very cold conditions...

“We are in the process of looking at how we can create a tax on the production of, among other things, beef” More taxes will save the planet!

Charges withdrawn against Fairview Baptist Church Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms | August 30, 2023
The Justice Centre is pleased to have been able to ensure that legal representation was provided to Pastor Tim Stephens, Pastor James Coates, Ty Northcott, and so many other courageous citizens who appropriately exercised their Charter rights and fre

Education Spending in Public Schools in Canada, 2023 Edition

Beware Of The Climate Narrative

Get the metals out of their brain and kids have recovered

To terrify their populations into submission with Covid tyranny, in a way that was globally coordinated

I’ve never seen people so angry about this new tax on working people

This movement is happening and it can’t be stopped News on the Net | August 30, 2023
Democrats have used us and divided us long enough

Smart Woman Request To Play Video Of Sex Change Expert News on the Net | August 30, 2023
Dems Object She Makes A Connection No One Saw Coming

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As Primate, Martin is the current successor to Saint Patrick

Dr. Patrick Phillips said he was convicted of multiple counts of professional misconduct. Phillips will be able to appeal to get his license back, but he must wait one year before doing so

At 2 a.m. EDT Wednesday, Idalia was about 100 miles southwest of Cedar Key and 175 miles south of Tallahassee, the National Hurricane Center said

"It is extremely difficult to go outside without fear of being harassed or assaulted because of the lies spread in these lawsuits"

Listen to the ‘sound of contentment’ News on the Net | August 29, 2023
The unison hum of these orphaned bear cubs eating apples at the Kilham Bear Center in New Hampshire

The totalitarian restrictions implemented in response to "Covid", including stopping all flights and locking down entire countries, will make people "more open to radical ideas about how to deal with climate change"
