
Jordan Peterson discusses the rise of authoritarianism in the political left

Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West News on the Net | September 5, 2023
Part of Canada’s social revolution can also be witnessed in its extreme new euthanasia laws

Small Town America Dr. Bruce Smith | September 5, 2023
Survival in Tough Times: As you read this, dear reader, that little burg is still there, like a thousand others scattered across the Heartland, and good people live and work there

"Republican district attorneys: it’s an eye for an eye or it’s fight fire with fire”

Instant Karma after hitting an old man! News on the Net | September 5, 2023
This was a well timed precision strike

The victim is stable at the hospital but the attacker is on the loose

“The ADL was such a noble organization that had a very specific goal which was to fight anti-semitism…Now it’s operated by a guy who is just an apparatus of the Democratic Party”

The Canadian Independent spoke with Criminal Defence Attorney David Anber, who represented Gerald Charlebois, the nearly 80-year-old elderly man who was arrested by police in a video that went viral during the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa

Children in Australia are being fast-tracked into forms of medicalization that ultimately lead to sterility and life-long dependency on exogenous hormones, regardless of their mental health history

"If you started measuring in the 1850s, there's been a general warming of about 0.7 degrees Celsius... If you started to measure from the medieval times, we've had a cooling of about four degrees Celsius...

Currently, multiple firefighters and other authorities are on the scene of a massive four-alarm hazardous warehouse chemical fire in Queens, New York. This incident is unfolding at the U.S. Department of Transportation building

Nate was raided by the FBI and arrested at gun point. His girlfriend (who just had a miscarriage) was held at gun point and put in handcuffs

The company said in August it had deployed its first two K1 Hemisphere robots at an undisclosed location in Hawaii for the final phase of product development and client testing

““Ending this state/church violation will keep the emphasis where it belongs at a graduation ceremony: on students and their 13 years of secular education and achievement”

Can the Security Council afford to remain silent and just wring its hands at the rapidly-increasing violence happening before its very eyes as it sits in its ivory tower in New York?

Investigators said that Young is a registered Level 2 sex offender and served a prison sentence after being convicted of attempted abuse in 2006

"It should not be lost on the public that Governor DeSantis pushed for the discriminatory map that targeted Black voters with precision"

This "gold standard" data proves the "misinformation spreaders" were right. The COVID vaccine did the opposite of what the CDC promised you: it actually made things worse, not better

Election 2024: Using The Same Playbook As 2020

A man fleeing war takes his wife and kids News on the Net | September 4, 2023
A man going to war leaves them behind

Baibaia Rodriguez, 20, was arraigned Friday on misdemeanor charges of resisting arrest

You Cannot Build Down News on the Net | September 4, 2023
Venerable Fulton J Sheen

She also says that the FBI is completely corrupt and calls for charges against the 51 intelligence officials who lied about the Biden laptop to rig the 2020 election

If I had Oprah’s wealth, I would just set about paying the disaster recovery bills of my community and I wouldn’t tell anybody about it

This is a flood on one of the metro lines

Frail women and children seeking asylum? News on the Net | September 4, 2023
Nope. All fit military-age males. Why do we allow this to go on?

"I'm sick and tired of politicians standing on the graves of dead children!"

This is quite possibly the greatest ad against wokeness I’ve ever seen

“Instead both the school district and public defender’s office decided they knew better than the parents. As a result of their arrogance, Sage was victimized multiple times over”

The 2024 GOP presidential campaign is expected to focus heavily on the Biden family’s receipt of millions of dollars from shady business partners in countries such as China, Russia and Ukraine during Joe Biden’s vice presidency
