
Media stories about topics such as GMOs and pesticides may convince some consumers that it's not safe to eat certain fruits and vegetables

"Democrats should be ashamed. This is a disgrace!"

Anti-Social Left vs Anti-Economic Left Daniel Greenfield | May 11, 2017
Both factions are utterly deranged. Their ideologies are built on hatred and can only cause misery. They are now fighting each other for control of the left, the Dems and the country

Senator Warren is dishonest and opportunistic and voters should know it

Prime Ministers and Government Spending: A Retrospective

The former is but one of many temporal and historical manifestations of the latter, which, as an integral part of Islam, transcends time and space

This is the sickest State-sponsored attempt at Democrat Utopian Socialism

Human shield.

Timing of Firing Was Justified for Multiple Reasons; Not a Sign of Alleged Corruption, Weakness, or Fear

Meanwhile, how long will the Dems and MSM remain in a state of deep mourning for Comey?

And what's coming next.

'Member what they said last year? I 'member.

Left are falling all over themselves about this firing and trying desperately to justify their feigned fury

McConnell chastised Democrats for their hypocrisy

Minnesota students walk out of class to support cops

You’re fired, FBI Director James Comey! Matthew Vadum | May 10, 2017
Comey is an incompetent, lying slimeball far more interested in Washington politics and staying in the media spotlight than in doing the right thing. Good riddance

Parents, create ‘Havens at Home’ for all your school aged children. They are no longer being taught at school, but only brainwashed by the surrealistic politics of the progressives.

And the points emphasized by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein might surprise you.

Support Canada Free Press


All things considered, by sabotaging Hillary Clinton's evil presidential aspirations, James Comey has earned a medal of honor and, perhaps a slot on Mount Rushmore, for his outstanding service to America in preservation of our values and ideals!


“’Pologize, Dice!” Jimmy Reed | May 10, 2017
Jaybird knew gambling can be addictive, and he made sure I never became a gambler by letting me gamble. Before long, I was handing over all of my hard-earned weekly allowance to him

The University of Arizona is paying students $10 per hour to assume the responsibilities of Social Justice Advocates.

Protecting transgender people from Bill C-16 Martin Tampier | May 10, 2017
Open Letter to Justin Trudeau:

The Study's fabricated narrative has certainly reaped --and continues to reap - huge dishonest dividends
