
Striking Back at the Evil Empire Steve Rossiter | May 12, 2023
God and the United States Constitution gives us the tools, but tools need people to operate them.

The sleeper has awakened News on the Net | May 12, 2023
89% of blacks are killed by blacks, 7% are killed by whites, and 1% of these are police officers.

Here is video we just shot in downtown Brownsville where large amounts of migrants have been mass released and are getting NGO assistance with travel documents near bus station

Popoviciu hired Hunter in 2016 to represent him after he was charged with bribery, but the Romanian tycoon was convicted on the charges about a year later.

Now with Aguero For Texas on El Paso border. News on the Net | May 12, 2023

The democrat assault on America is officially open for business.

Ted Cruz 2.0 is BASED. Trump rubbed off on him. News on the Net | May 12, 2023
If only more Republicans would be this vocals against the dangerous MSM.

'Our associates should have fulfilled your request'

Will America Survive Another Two Years? Jim Hollingsworth | May 12, 2023
Biden is determined to destroy America, and most of the Democrats seem inclined to let him. How can they be so blind? We have a wonderful free country. How can anyone allow it to be destroyed so easily

"We need to continue to clarify the facts — that was one can, one post, one influencer, and not a campaign"

Jeremy Carl, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institution, wrote, "Thank you for demonstrating more powerfully than I ever could how the Pulitzer Prizes have become a complete joke."

Border Patrol has faced 10,000+ encounters for multiple days

Chicago has been a self-proclaimed “sanctuary city” – where city officials are not permitted to enforce federal immigration laws – since former Mayor Harold Washington first issued an executive order to that effect in 1985.

This is how they reacted:

“The dystopian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ wasn’t an aberration — it was the tip of the iceberg of their censorship laundering schemes”

If passed and enacted, it would “declare that Oregon law governs certain actions arising out of reproductive health care or gender-affirming treatment provided or received in this state,” making the state a so-called “trans sanctuary” for doctors.

The contagious sickness of WOKE

Perhaps they should mull the logic of the First Amendment and the Right to Freedom of Speech

Evil Begets Evil

“The result will be more environmental stress, not less”

Anyone with half a brain knows who was the real victim of rape, now don't we?

He livestreams it on Facebook and shows their names and faces

This is so good. And her eyes. Wow! News on the Net | May 12, 2023
By Request Our Time in History

There is a long drawn out history of PPS intentionally misidentifying me. In this instance they continued to caused a scene even after I provided ID.

Some migrants have shown me that their court dates are as far out as 2027.

They are out of control at Gate 42 while they shuttle in the invasion force.

Abortion’s Devastating Impact on Men Liberty Counsel | May 12, 2023
“While abortion harms women physically and emotionally, and ends the life of defenseless children, it also harms men in incalculable ways."
