
Case for the Electoral College System Steve Rossiter | August 15, 2023
Sadly, a communistic form of democracy is alive and well in the once Golden State, the third world like State of California. The majority of the minority 3,097 counties in America don’t want to be Californicated

“The repression against education, culture, and critical thinking in Nicaragua has been reflected in the cancellation of more than 30 universities by the Ortega and Murillo dictatorship until the present year 2023”

NY Man Banned from Sidewalk Counseling Wins in Court News on the Net | August 15, 2023
“The lawsuit was sent back to the lower court with orders to apply the appellate court’s opinion restoring Havens’ and ROC’s First Amendment rights”

In an interview with James O'Keefe, Enis Sujak said his manager prohibited Christian imagery but allowed LGBT rainbow flags and other ‘pride’ displays

This is one of those situations where you’re much better off just watching the video

Kennedy is the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of the first Catholic president in U.S. history, John F. Kennedy

For nearly a two-year period from 2017 to 2018, the Hawaii Senate was the only state legislative chamber in the country without a single elected Republican

They're practically salivating to put the cuffs on Trump

Grand Jury Has Returned 10 Indictments

Message from President Donald John Trump....

Fulton County D.A. Speaks On Trump Indictment

“As a memorial” and workforce housing“. They ‘Always build memorials where their Satanic sacrifices were made

The Biden administration can tout all they want about their “unprecedented investments to transform how mental health,” but that has yet to show up in the data

Ben Stein Says We Are Now In An “Occupied Country” News on the Net | August 15, 2023
“Phoniest charges I have ever seen in my life”…

This is all in direct contradiction to Catholic Church teachings on these issues, which have remained consistent for decades

Bible studies now banned at American senior center News on the Net | August 15, 2023
If a room is available for other purposes, a Bible study group must be allowed to use it on the same basis

One also glimpses the beginning of a violent reaction by French society, and perhaps Europe, against the drift of its suburbs.Op-ed

It’s no longer a “small world” for Disney, they have bigger plans and they need to be stopped

“The victim asks that we do all the law allows to ensure justice is served. The Marion Kansas Police Department will [sic] nothing less”

Charges listed in the document included racketeering, a law used to target members of organizations engaged in illegal activity, as well as making false statements, filing false documents and several conspiracy charges

Maui Crisis: A Time to Help News on the Net | August 14, 2023
It is a time to reach out in compassion and help those in need. As the tragic death count rises every day and individuals are left destitute without homes and the basic needs for life, let’s unite to help them

These data highlight the need for spike protein detoxification—in other words, methods to reduce the burden of spike protein within the body

Following the last major disaster – the train derailment that released toxic chemicals into East Palestine, Ohio – President Biden said in March he would visit the catastrophe site "at some point"

“By expanding the range and depth of our programming lineup across multiple dayparts, we are strengthening our reporting excellence throughout the schedule”

Unnamed suspect in touch with group affiliated with al Qaeda, FBI says

Jack Posobiec:

Tucker on Twitter Episode 16 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviewed

Gas was $2.39/gallon when Biden took office — and it's only gone up from there

However, the taps may soon be turned off by Mother Nature and Mister Margin. In their implacable way, financial markets are now signalling a recession

America will not stand as “One Nation Under God.” As Ronald Reagan expressed it: “If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under”
