
American Politics, News

The reality is that not just sport but all of nature's and man's world is a place defined by varying degrees of quality, not equality

The Rationing Society Daniel Greenfield | September 21, 2014
In a rationing society, it is possible to starve amidst plenty because the rationers would rather see people starve, than lose control over them.

Join The Crackerjack Club! Father Paul Nicholson | September 20, 2014
Watch this commercial and learn how you can be part of an exciting adventure by simply signing up to be part of the Crackerjack Club.

Funding a Fool’s Errand in Syria Jeff Crouere | September 20, 2014
So-called “moderate” Muslim fighters will not be reliable partners in fighting the Islamic State

Anna Kooiman reports on emergency landing

“Document reviews at State following a significant event are not unheard of

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

Boots on the ground Sarge | September 19, 2014
Syria’s a moral wasteland (at the presidential level) in Bashar al-Assad and physically after he bombed and beat the landscape with artillery fire designed to kill as many people as possible

Old people are such a burden.

For some reason, Megyn Kelly isn't a big fan of domestic terrorists.

Why Rouhani loves New York Caroline Glick | September 19, 2014

The tougher question is what will it take to make the same happen with our current president

Obama’s reckless proposal for direct military intervention in the civil war in Syria has thrown the Republican Party into turmoil. Perhaps this was intentional

Is Obama winning his game? Dr. Laurie Roth | September 19, 2014
Lies, chaos and distraction are his transformation strategies

Obama Importing Disease & Covering It Up? John Lillpop | September 19, 2014
Think for a moment about Obama’s performance over the past six years and remember that NOTHING is too evil for this tyrant!

Obama DOJ Refuses to Release Fast and Furious Docs Arnold Ahlert | September 19, 2014
Administration has completely avoided anything resembling genuine accountability. 300 dead and wounded Mexicans, 2 murdered American agents deserve better

Lax naturalization process contributes to homebred terrorism A. Dru Kristenev | September 19, 2014
If we have any regard for ourselves as a nation, then respect for our borders must come from within

“Why all of these ornaments are approved but Mr. and Mrs. Berluche’s statues were denied is clearly a matter of viewpoint discrimination

“If you’re not doing the No. 1 thing…what changes are you making?”

Go Away, Hillary Alan Caruba | September 18, 2014
I wish Hillary Clinton would simply go away and permit a serious election to occur

"Was there a government in Libya for us to contact?"

Merits of the state constitutional amendments defining marriage as one man and one woman were such that the Supreme Court would have to overturn them with haste

Don’t Mention the War Daniel Greenfield | September 18, 2014

The Beatles, The Stones, The Who and Bernie Sanders

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Damn. They figured it out.

Effective today, the president? A photo-op? or something in between?

Grasping at Sawgrass Sarge | September 18, 2014

Tesla is an unlikely warrior in the fight against excessive government interference in the marketplace

HealthCare.gov security problems put “sensitive personal information” at risk, @usgao concluded.
