
American Politics, News

Who Benefits from a National Curriculum News on the Net | August 5, 2014
The history of Swedish education is permeated with copycats

Why Are Fewer People Using Food Stamps? Heritage Foundation | August 5, 2014
Is it possible that those who argued that decreasing government assistance to the unemployed would spur people to find jobs were … right?

They are actually, literally persecuting the Catholic Church

Keep Nancy Pelosi off Floor of US House! John Lillpop | August 5, 2014
Surely if anyone needs to be on disability and off the public payroll, that person is the wild lunatic from San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi!

Stealing from homeless veterans Joanna Rosamond | August 5, 2014
Los Angeles VA Scandal: Wealthy elite members are treating themselves to dining alfresco and a Shakespeare play, while homeless and disabled veterans agonise in back alley squalor

Eradication of Hispanic racism by Hispanics and democrat politicians is essential to solving Americas long term immigration crisis

The Era of Spiraling Debt Arnold Ahlert | August 5, 2014
How long will the scheme last? Unsustainable debt trajectory with no end in sight, during a flaccid economic recovery

Harper leads, Obama stumbles in the Middle East Jason Stverak | August 4, 2014
Israel’s democracy is part of that historical view, existing as an island of democracy in a sea of repression

'I have always told the truth, and nothing but the truth.' - Barney Frank

Pelosi flips out.



Let them know we're paying attention, all across the country.

Unions Lose and the Public Wins Big in Wisconsin Heritage Foundation | August 4, 2014
Act 10 means the government can serve the public instead of unions.

Peer Pressure Crushes Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Michael R. Shannon | August 4, 2014
23andMe, FDA, 1966 Congressional Review Act, DNA sample

"I have to act on my own because they won't do anything . . . oh wait."

Behold! Ethics Cleansing Day Is Nigh! John Lillpop | August 4, 2014
Borders, language, and culture

Pelosi calls Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) "Insignificant"

Fascism, American style

Stripping the orchard Sarge | August 4, 2014
Common Core is no more than another effort by the state to indoctrinate our children toward acceptance of the New World Order

Could Another 'Great Awakening' Result from Persecution?

In 2010, pregnancy centers served more than 2.3 million women

Sumpin’ To Look Forward To Jimmy Reed | August 4, 2014
Mankind’s capacity for endurance

Pelosi's “compassion” leaves out the lives of those still in the womb when she defends a woman’s “right” to abortion and only goes as far as the Mexican border

Part 1 of 3: Do Christians Have a Duty to Oppose & Remove Malignant Leadership?

Jesse Ventura Swoons Over Fidel Castro and Che Guevara Humberto Fontova | August 4, 2014
Jesse Ventura's moronic gloating

Phony scandals, ObamaCare, Barack Obama, Hispanic racism, illegal immigrants

How not to choose a president Herman Cain | August 3, 2014
Basically, the way we do it now.

Politics, Ebola, and Our National Health Safety Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 3, 2014
Our country is overwhelmed by manufactured crisis after manufactured crisis

Yes, Sue Our Lawless President! Alan Caruba | August 3, 2014
That’s how democracy works and how our Constitutional system works. Suing the President is just one part of it
