
American Politics, News

Yes, Sue Our Lawless President! Alan Caruba | August 3, 2014
That’s how democracy works and how our Constitutional system works. Suing the President is just one part of it

Will Americans allow selfish politicians and business bosses wrap their chains around freelancers?

Restore American Expectionalism: Nullify Obama Lloyd Marcus | August 3, 2014
Our president is hellbent on knocking America off the throne

Through the Broken Looking Glass Michael Oberndorf, RPA | August 2, 2014
Obama and Kerry have taken the side of radical, Jew and Christian-hating Islamist Hamas

The past several years of budget cuts and mandated reduction in personnel and weapons have stirred deep unease among allies who would count on the U.S. in a crisis

John Boehner: Scammer of the House Jeff Crouere | August 2, 2014
Boehner is a raging moderate

Congress is mired in cowardice and indecision, Obama is strong because Obama is unafraid--This Must Change

Kerry and Obama capitulate to Hamas

Cheerleaders, please. Not watchdogs!

Government's assault on religious liberty: Nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Constitutional Immigration Douglas V. Gibbs | August 2, 2014
We the People, through our States, have the right to defend ourselves against illegal immigration

IRS Poised to Target Churches Liberty Counsel | August 1, 2014
“Pastors and churches must be empowered to confront the assaults on our culture, our faith, and our freedom,”

Congress, Obama and the way to defeat Hamas Caroline Glick | August 1, 2014
The US must join Israel in its goal of defeating Hamas

It’s time for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to return home with an ear to the concerns of Main Street

The only way to counter the profligate Democrat lies and distortions is in the two most dreaded words to the left - TERM LIMITS

Scott Walker vindicated again Dan Calabrese | August 1, 2014
Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds signature law limiting power of public-employee unions.

Slavitt told lawmakers yesterday that he rid himself of any financial stakes in OptumInsight/QSSI, including stocks and investments

Israel, the Tea Party and the MSM Lloyd Marcus | August 1, 2014
MSM went postal on Israel; machine-gunning Israel with negative stories

Iraq and Syria: Millions of Christians, whose ancestral presence there predates current Muslim majorities by centuries, being wiped out

ObamaCare Disaster in California Arnold Ahlert | August 1, 2014
Premiums skyrocket 22 to 88 percent in 2014.

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

"It's safer for everyone when drivers stay in the business rather than leaving and creating a void filled by new, inexperienced drivers."

Incivility, accepted and entrenched, is toxic to a political community

Check and Mate Dr. Robert R. Owens | July 31, 2014
Europe committed suicide in two fratricidal world wars. We have allowed hubris abroad and greed at home to lead us down the same path.

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Zombie GOP Bill Tried To Sneak Immigration Boost News on the Net | July 31, 2014
The bill’s sponsors said the bill was intended to speed up court proceedings needed to deport migrant youths from Central America

What gift would be appropriate for a community organizer who has parlayed a lifetime on the government dole into a King’s Ransom

Dan Joseph

Hooray for Sheila Jackson Lee!

Hates the 'hoi poloi' and their constant demands for equality...

Rally the base. Raise cash.
