
American Politics, News

States Begin to Face Overwhelming ObamaCare Reality Heritage Foundation | May 16, 2014
A lot of states may see budget-busting additions to earlier estimates, which already predicted that expanding Medicaid would be costly

Social order based on feelings uncorroborated by facts

The 3 a.m. phone call.

Washington, especially certain Democrat senators, was clearly driving the targeting of Tea Party groups.

From Latma to Yisrael Hayom Caroline Glick | May 16, 2014
Vicious circle will continue. Leftist judges will appoint leftist regulators. Regulators will act in concert with leftist broadcasters to block Zionist voices and to destroy non-leftist competition

The Big Immigration Problem No One’s Talking About Heritage Foundation | May 15, 2014
This administration is unwilling to enforce current laws and instead allows known dangerous criminals to walk the streets with impunity


Utah Congressman, Chris Stewart

It’s a Very Complex World Alan Caruba | May 15, 2014
Robert Bryce: Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper

Why Liberty Dies Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 15, 2014
In our nation we have built a rather impressive framework to restrain the government: our Constitution.

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs


Speaking kindly Sarge | May 15, 2014
Randy Piedrahita

No one was really abreast of the latest news about the Benghazi terrorist attack, but they were aware of it

The House voted last week to hold Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about the IRS scandal

A New Level of Illegal Immigration Chaos Arnold Ahlert | May 15, 2014
Those convicted of murder, assault and kidnapping are free to roam the streets of America

Manoppello’s Face of Christ News on the Net | May 15, 2014
Paul Badde

Stop amnesty NOW! Barack Obama lacks the common sense and moral conviction needed to enforce the rule of law

End the War on Racism Daniel Greenfield | May 14, 2014
The War on Racism has deprived Americans of more civil rights than any military conflict

"No one knows the value of peace better than those who endured war,"

Who Will Defend America? Robert L. Rosebrock | May 14, 2014
Those who did not, or could not serve in our Military had better wake up and start serving those who did

ObamaCare creates distortions in labor markets

Obama diplomatic CYA than actually caring about the fate of kidnapped Nigerian children

Liberals are trapped in Bizarro-land David Coughlin | May 14, 2014
Ronald Reagan quipped to explain this phenomenon: It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so

"That stuff up there."

What's wrong with our politics: David Perdue opposes tax increases and Common Core, but you'd never know that.

Many Homes in Southeast Harris County taxed at over 200% of market value

Low-hanging fruit Sarge | May 14, 2014
Whittling away the rights of the people

“This would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our own immigration officials

The devastating real-life effects of the global warmist agenda
