
American Politics, News

Socialists upset it doesn't go far enough. Seriously

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom Jimmy Reed | May 4, 2014
Not long ago, something happened that changed my attitude forever toward the woman who brought me into this world and raised me.

Republican John Wood vs. Maxine Waters - Haven’t You Heard? Arthur Christopher Schaper | May 4, 2014
California 43

Why Are the Republicans Committing Suicide? Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 4, 2014
Something has gone drastically wrong with the greatest experiment in human freedom the world has ever seen.

Education as Covert Op Bruce Deitrick Price | May 4, 2014
Common Core should be opposed because it is arguably the culmination of all these covert ops

Steve Lonegan, New Jersey

“Mr. President, Your Time Is Up!”

Our retransformation requires a period of awakening

Trickle down penury Klaus Rohrich | May 3, 2014
Administration will likely go down as one of history’s worst. It’s sad that so many Americans have to suffer the consequences of one president’s abject incompetence, criminally mendacious actions

The progressives at both the state and federal level are working overtime to give away your country. Americans, it's time to come out of the shadows and fight back.

In the end, many of the people claiming to be so concerned about racism are really only concerned about politics

The Koch Brothers vs. George Soros Chuck Lehmann | May 2, 2014
If the Democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards all

Citing data from insurers, committee members called previous enrollment figures from the Obama administration “misleading"

"It is disturbing and perhaps criminal ... that documents like these were hidden by the Obama administration from Congress and the public alike

Beltway Republicans vs. conservative base on language, if not substance.

Who's obsessed?

Because they're making so much progress doing it their way.

Dude? Dude. Like, totally, dude.

Caution: Senators at Work Heritage Foundation | May 2, 2014
Johnson-Crapo proposal

Send Missionaries To The U.S. ... PLEASE! J.D. Longstreet | May 2, 2014
Here in America true Christianity is in mortal danger

I pray that, at some point, the Catholic Church will take the lead in saving Catholic and non-Catholic students from the planned and devastating restraints of Common Core


Life under the Obama Doctrine Caroline Glick | May 2, 2014
Obama's bloviations and weakness, China's Boldness, Russia, Israel

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Support Canada Free Press


The minimum wage is a terribly targeted anti-poverty program

CBS News President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, the White House deputy national security adviser

Obama Playing Politics With Keystone Pipeline

Depends When You Were Born Alan Caruba | May 1, 2014
America may be at a turning point. Social Security, Medicare are closing in on insolvency

VIDEO “Four Dead in Benghazi” Lloyd Marcus | May 1, 2014
My fellow Americans, please watch this brief music video

You don't say.
