
American Politics, News

U.S.A. Nanny State of Mind Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 29, 2014
Having lost its moral compass, the nanny state U.S.A. has become a society reeking of greed, envy, hate, corruption, lawlessness, and promiscuity

Kudos to Kobe Jeff Crouere | March 29, 2014
Advocating is individualism and free will, dangerous concepts to the race hustlers and political panderers who dominate the spotlight today

The New York Times — still Shilling for Communists Humberto Fontova | March 29, 2014
When outing communists, their denial is only half the story. The truth-teller must also be defamed. Not to worry! The New York Times was eminently worthy of the task.

ObamaCare’s Indefinitely Extended Deadline Arnold Ahlert | March 29, 2014
How the Obama administration is bypassing the the insurance sign-up cut-off date

How Incompetent Can the US Government Be? Jim Kouri | March 28, 2014
Russian Made Rocket Motor on Atlas 5 Rocket Carrying Satellites to Space

Obama’s Nuked New York Worry Arnold Ahlert | March 28, 2014
Obama professes to fear a nightmare that his policies are facilitating

Religious liberty

Stephen Colbert in hot water for racist tweet Dan Calabrese | March 28, 2014
Announcement of "Ching Chong Ding Dong Foundation" oddly unamusing to Asians.

Whatever could you be talking about?

How understanding of the Founding Fathers to even grant free speech to "evangelical types."

Seriously. He doesn't know.

ObamaCare and Drug Poverty Arnold Ahlert | March 28, 2014
Why life-saving medicine prices are about to skyrocket

It CAN happen here Sarge | March 28, 2014
Louisiana SB200: It was rumored several Democrat legislators’ heads imploded upon reading SB200, but that’s not been confirmed

Obama’s White House Opaque not Transparent J.D. Longstreet | March 28, 2014
Press Surprised At Censorship From Obama White House. WHY?

Campus brownshirts on the march Caroline Glick | March 28, 2014
Only when universities are made to pay a painful price for their support for anti-Semitism will other university administrators think twice before they give free reign to Jew haters

Media: Focus on despondent Veterans on American soil who are visibly crying out for help

Democratic Legislators Behaving Badly Arthur Christopher Schaper | March 28, 2014
California, Illinois, Rhode Island

Over the past five years grave concerns have arisen about the safety of drug imports from China, India and other Asian nations

Their messaging is impeachable impeccable 

President Obama’s War on Journalists Roger Aronoff | March 27, 2014
Are we doomed to an escalation of government intrusion upon the press?

The Pope and Obama had a “cordial meeting”

NIGERIA: More than 100 Killed in Brutal Attacks News on the Net | March 27, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Lord, take me now.

There's one born every minute.

Support Canada Free Press


Hypocrisy on a grand scale Sarge | March 27, 2014
Obama needs to be reined in and forced to honor the words he so glibly throws around both here and in Europe

How Obama Is Strangling the Economy in Red Tape Heritage Foundation | March 27, 2014

Report: Obama uses asylum as de facto amnesty Neil W. McCabe | March 27, 2014
Once again, President Barack Obama has manipulated the rules to waive the rules and wave in more illegals

Reactivate The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy J.D. Longstreet | March 27, 2014
The Clintons are BAAA-aaack!

Obamacare’s Tough Day in Court Roger Aronoff | March 27, 2014
Individual mandate, ObamaCare

Marijuana link to mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and psychosis
