
American Politics, News

Four key elements, all of which fix the mess ObamaCare has created.

Democrats begin their nightmare year

I’m IN! Sarge | January 31, 2014
Just how damned stupid are you, Boehner?

Line in the sand.

California, we need to talk about your little "left-wing crazies" problem.

Immigration Plan: Trust Obama? Heritage Foundation | January 31, 2014
Policymakers have no real reason to trust the President to uphold any new immigration laws

Into the black hole of obscurity

Diverting their funds to an increasingly shaky hold on the Senate

Progressives Without Progress Daniel Greenfield | January 31, 2014
The only way to resume progress is to fight the progressive movement

Bracing for Amnesty Arnold Ahlert | January 31, 2014
A jab at the Tea Party?

The State of the Union is Mendacity Roger Aronoff | January 31, 2014
So who cares if Obama is lying, if he is serving the noble majority?

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

No Reason to Spend the Evening with BHO Doug Patton | January 30, 2014
Marxist Community Organizer: Promises, Exaggerations and outright lies

Are Liberals trying to Annoy Us? Jonathon Moseley | January 30, 2014
Lunacy of the Left is endless, because it is deliberate

Henry Waxman Retires (Retreats): an Anti-Tribute Arthur Christopher Schaper | January 30, 2014
Waxman did not do a good job, His record of pandemic liberalism has left us none the better, and he retired not a moment too soon.

Although Waxman leaves office without repenting of his idiotic notions about government being a ‘force for good,’ at least he is getting the hell out of the way to make room for real Americans in Congress

Bad storm. Terrific people.

Is it possible to convince workers it's a bad thing? Yes. Here's how.

Americans didn't watch Obama. ...in droves

Waterloo at Fort Lee? J. Laurence Simpson | January 30, 2014
Chis Christie’s stupidity and arrogance has exposed him to be void of all political conviction but long on political ambition

Welfare State Madness Arnold Ahlert | January 30, 2014
America's number-one disability: mental pathology

Obama and Stalin’s Legacy in Ukraine Cliff Kincaid | January 30, 2014
Obama is willing to stand up to Putin over an anti-gay propaganda law in Russia, but not when it concerns the fate of 46 million people in Ukraine wanting to be free

The Muzak State of the Union Marta H. Mossburg | January 30, 2014
An hour of forgettable, soothing Muzak designed to lift our collective mood and distract us from troubles on everyone’s minds but not on his lips

Even a Lemming Wouldn’t Buy An RRSP Guest Column | January 30, 2014
Whether making trivial choices like what brand of coffee to buy or important decisions like saving for the future, people tend to conform to what others are doing

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The $1 trillion farm bill.

A defiant Community Organizer

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age

Our goal should be an America where everyone has a fair chance to pursue happiness - and find it


Cognitive dissonance, thy name is Nancy
