
American Politics, News

So let's explain in no uncertain terms why it is


Not to mention any names . . . Baucus and Schumer!

Cloaked in misinformation Doug Hagmann | May 17, 2013
The Truth behind the Holder Justice Department's search for leaks

That the IRS is harassing or protecting anyone reeks of government abuse and political partisanship of the worst kind

Obama and the “Official Truth” Caroline Glick | May 17, 2013
Obama's thuggish creation and corrupt defense of his "official truth" will anger, disgust - and frighten - all Americans

The Obama administration has made a mess of it, in large measure by taking its eye off the Iranian ball

World News Through the Eyes of the Church, in Eight Languages

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

The Worst President Ever Alan Caruba | May 16, 2013
The dream of “hope and change” has turned to hopelessness and the change has become the “transformation” of America

The Bugs are Back Michael R. Shannon | May 16, 2013
Global warming, cicadas, meteorologists, tornadoes

Transform America into third-world, failed state, quagmire of tyranny, failed Marxist principles, anti-American liberal bureaucrats!

Beware the Thought Police Joy Tiz | May 16, 2013
Tea Partiers and the IRS

The IRS Targeted Conservative Media Cliff Kincaid | May 16, 2013
Left-Wing Censorship

With more than 13,000 pages of regulations thus far, and more to come, the Affordable Care Act will make running a medical practice even more stultifying and sclerotic.

80% of Dept. of Energy loans went to companies owned by or connected to President Barack Obama's top campaign fundraisers

So don’t bother imagining no more Obama. Imagine instead no more IRS. The will of the people could make this happen.

Will Chained Consumer Price Index Punish the Taxpayers? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 16, 2013
Government out-of-control spenders win and the retirees, the elderly, the pensioners, and the saving taxpayers lose

A nickel isn’t worth a dime today Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 16, 2013
None of us gets to live in the world we grew up in because the world moves too fast. Things change. What was science fiction yesterday is your cell phone today.

PFLI was instrumental in having the illegal diktat by then-governor Rod Blagojevich of IL overturned in court after it was mandated in 2005

Obamacare Is About Power Heritage Foundation | May 16, 2013
Obamacare’s heavy reliance on the IRS seems somehow fitting, as the entire law relies on a scheme of government controls and regulations to work its will on the health care system

Obama Fires IRS Commissioner as Scandal Grows Roger Aronoff | May 16, 2013
Conservatives told media the IRS asked for donor lists, Facebook conversations, copies of minutes, notes, lists of meeting participants

It happened to me too, by the way

The Old Razzle-Dazzle Peter Farmer | May 16, 2013
It is ironic for a man whose entire political career has been based upon the artful exploitation of spin, illusion and dazzle-dazzle

The President as Sergeant Schultz Alan Caruba | May 16, 2013
Witnessing an administration whose corrupt political practices have seeped deep into the government agencies for which Obama is responsible

Holder can only serve as long as he maintains the support Obama. That he still does, speaks volumes--about both men

Over a Barrel Peter Farmer | May 15, 2013
No real or lasting economic rebirth can occur in America until the petrodollar system is finally consigned to the ash heap of history

Has Chris Matthews lost the tingle? Robert Laurie | May 15, 2013
Thinks no one is steering the ship ...poor Chris

Let him just say this about that.

Benghazi, Fast and Furious scandals, ProPublica
