
American Politics, News

Islam on the Rise in America Alan Caruba | February 6, 2013
A President who keeps insisting that al Qaeda is receding as a threat when it is, in fact, a growing threat everywhere. And, soon enough, here again

Taking America from Welfare State to Opportunity Society Heritage Foundation | February 6, 2013
Our modern, cradle-to-grave welfare state is structured in such a way that it hinders rather than boosts upward mobility

John McCain’s ‘Racist’ Joke that Wasn’t Selwyn Duke | February 5, 2013
Don't be a donkey. There are already too many of them taking up space in government and blasting us into the idiotsphere

Barack Obama and Eric Holder: Who in their right mind would trust either of these radicals to use deadly force against American citizens without being motivated by ideology and politics?

Whatever happened to Johnny Tremain?

Obama blows off his responsibility again

But don't worry, they'll be super-duper responsible about it.

Al Gore’s “Global Mind” Ripe for Jihad Cliff Kincaid | February 5, 2013
The Al Gore “progressive” view on limiting U.S. energy production

Fighting Government Cronyism with an Opportunity Agenda Heritage Foundation | February 5, 2013
Economic growth does not come from some master economic plan managed by the government

181st Birthday tribute to General Gordon Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | February 5, 2013
"A more gallant, generous, and fearless gentlemen and soldier has not been seen in this country"

It is time to kiss Rove, Obama and the global puppeteer mafia goodbye!

The Hispanic Vote and Immigration Elvira Fernandez Hasty | February 5, 2013
Border Security, Build the Fence! Enforcement of our current laws, Stop the welfare benefits for illegal aliens, Fix legal immigration

Malaise Is BACK! J.D. Longstreet | February 5, 2013
American Optimism Lowest Since Carter Administration

Obama Administration Offers Direct Talks with Iran Arnold Ahlert | February 5, 2013
U.S. continues down the road of appeasement, expect fanatical Iran to respond accordingly

Who Were the Geniuses Who Came Up With That One? Daniel Greenfield | February 5, 2013
The Tea Party may be the last hope of the GOP, its final chance to connect with a base, gain some fresh energy and ideas, and emerge in fighting shape

Why have resolutions and "inspections" if they mean nothing?

As long as it comes from massive deficit spending, of course

draconian zero tolerance policies, stringent security measures and cutting-edge technologies have all but transformed schools into quasi-prisons.

The most anti-Semitic president in history

Gun Free Zones: When all the guns are taken from the honest people only the criminals and politicians will be armed

A Cabinet of Dunces Alan Caruba | February 4, 2013
Deliberate destruction of jobs, delaying access to traditional sources of energy, a failed foreign policy

It's time for the GOP to dump "the architect"

Back to the Future Sarge | February 4, 2013
Fiscal assassins

What Ideas Are Conservatives FOR? Heritage Foundation | February 4, 2013
High taxes and the crushing weight of endless rules and regulations burden our economy

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The Wrong Track Daniel Greenfield | February 4, 2013
Suicide, Murder, Freedoms, Media Coverage

The Constitution?  What’s That? J.D. Longstreet | February 4, 2013
A republic cannot survive such laziness -- not even America

Neither Of Us Fished Jimmy Reed | February 4, 2013
A Fishing Tale

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

The Most Interesting Career: Housewife Selwyn Duke | February 3, 2013
Not actually a career but something far greater: a calling

Just a branch on the feminist tree, a branch whose appearance was just a matter of time
