
American Politics, News

Obama Cites Neville Chamberlain Joy Tiz | January 22, 2013
No wonder he shipped the Churchill bust back to England

This is par for the course of the Obama Administration

What I heard Sarge | January 22, 2013
Obama's Inauguration Speech: Progressive Socialist nation

Hillary Clinton’s legacy Frank Gaffney Jr. | January 22, 2013
Congress has duty to ask tough, parting questions

Obama’s Second Inaugural Address, Translated Heritage Foundation | January 22, 2013
The President clings to unworkable and expensive policies

America:  A Nation Of Sheep, Led By A Sheep J.D. Longstreet | January 22, 2013
Unlike the old Americans the new Americans yearn for the return of the shackles, yokes, and chains of lords and masters

The lesson in the betrayal of Sarah Palin Lloyd Marcus | January 22, 2013
Have we learned something from the Republican/Conservative betrayal of Palin

The Great Power of Washington Daniel Greenfield | January 22, 2013
The one thing that Washington D.C. has never understood is that it does not run America

Un-American, anti-American, seemingly emasculated individuals who presently make up our government

Simple historical revisionism

Obama in church ....tweeting. Robert Laurie | January 21, 2013
Leader of the free world doesn't pay attention in church

The Democratic Senate hasn't passed a budget in four years, Republican House enables this irresponsibility by continuing spending resolutions

Today's speech was all about defending the concept of America as a progressive Mecca - the shining, collectivist, city on a hill

Ghost ranch Guest Column | January 21, 2013
Earth, Water, Fire, Skies

Terrible speech, terrible presidency Jerry Philipson | January 21, 2013
America and Americans are worse off in every conceivable way since he took office and they will be that much more worse off by the time he leaves

Obama's people don't need any tax breaks, they don't pay much, if any, taxes to begin with

Obama has presided over the decline of America

Building the Temple and The Four Pillars of Faith John Lillis | January 21, 2013
Worshiping at the Temple of the Vagina

Barack Obama: Modern-day Abraham Lincoln? John Lillpop | January 21, 2013
The great Abe Lincoln and the not-so-great Barack Obama

MLK, Obama and Opportunity Heritage Foundation | January 21, 2013
What would King say about that promissory note today?

Roe v Wade -- the most egregious U.S. Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott.

Shame Sarge | January 21, 2013
New Orleans, Ray Nagin, politicians

Dr. MLK, Jr. and Mr. 301.81 Cluster B Rob Cunningham | January 21, 2013
Obama: Diagnostic criteria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Four more years of this.....

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The Constitution: A mere annoyance for Obama Herman Cain | January 21, 2013
Why let a dumb piece of paper get in the way?

Just like a 9.0 earthquake, killer storm, or other natural disaster: This (The Obama plague) TOO will pass!

History Repeating Itself Jimmy Reed | January 21, 2013
β€œTo conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”

The Darkest Design of Barack Obama
 Erik Rush | January 21, 2013
American people are being positioned to suffer most due to the accumulation of debt that irresponsible government officials racked up

Education and the Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs | January 20, 2013
The Constitution is nothing more than ink and paper if we don't fight for it.

Debt, out of control spending, and making somebody else pay – they all amount to a lethal combination
