
American Politics, News

The Obama-Media Love Affair Roger Aronoff | January 8, 2013
Media bias is not just a “problem” or an “annoyance.” It is a fundamental challenge to the political health and future of America.

Why Is The Left In America So Filled With HATE? J.D. Longstreet | January 8, 2013
Narcissistic and hypocritical they claim love and respect for all while they harbor hate, and revulsion for anyone not like them

Yes! Jimmy Reed | January 8, 2013
New Year’s resolutions, Mother's Advice, God

Right-to-work laws are only part of the answer

"It's Bush's fault.", Payroll taxes, paychecks, Social Security withholding

Bad Nominations, Worse Future Alan Caruba | January 7, 2013
What we have is a pattern of appointments, that have wreaked havoc on the economy and on issues affecting defense and foreign policy

Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad Frank Gaffney Jr. | January 7, 2013
At the very least, Al Jazeera America should be obliged to register as a foreign agent

The Slow Dismantling of Obamacare Heritage Foundation | January 7, 2013
The medical device tax started making some Senators uneasy before it was scheduled to begin

Rights and liberties are little more than exceptions to the rule, open to interpretation by government officials who can throw them out based upon expediency

PFL Secures Religious Freedom Exemption Christian Newswire | January 7, 2013
Priests For Life

UK Guardian: Pedophiles Need Support Warner Todd Huston | January 7, 2013
The next horizon for defining criminal behavior downward

Life Decisions International

Obama’s “Fairness” Canard John Lillpop | January 7, 2013
Where is the fairness for millions of would-be immigrants who are forced to wait their turn in line, rather than stealing their way in?

The Civilized Savage Daniel Greenfield | January 7, 2013
The rise of the civilized savage is a harbinger of the end of a civilization

Embracing Slavery in America J.D. Longstreet | January 7, 2013
The speed of America's devolution has been absolutely remarkable

The Principles of Taxation Alan Caruba | January 7, 2013
There is a war being waged on capitalism in the nation that rose to the greatest citadel of wealth the world has ever seen

Government of, by and for activists Guest Column | January 6, 2013
Enrich and empower activists, bureaucrats and liberal politicians – while controlling and impoverishing the rest of us – all in the name of protecting the environment.

Manufacturing Renaissance: Americans should be preparing for the "insourcing boom"

Willful Ignorance or ‘Stoopidity’? Michael Oberndorf, RPA | January 6, 2013
ICLEI, U.N. Agenda 21

An Economic Doomsday IS Coming J.D. Longstreet | January 6, 2013
The economic Grand Canyon

Solution? What Solution? J.J. Jackson | January 6, 2013
Happy New Year! And to all you who voted for liberals? Well, you own it!

Drinking for the State Daniel Greenfield | January 6, 2013
Roosevelt's New Deal had drunk deeply of liquor taxes, but kept spending money like a drunken sailor

The Wrong Side of History, The Right Side of Reality Douglas V. Gibbs | January 6, 2013
Obama Phones to Facebook, the democrats pulled off an incredible campaign that got their base out to votE

Apocalypse Sooner or Later Erik Rush | January 5, 2013
There is a dedicated communist residing in the White House

Sticking your heads in the sand, is not the answer

An elected official suggesting that government be used in the United States of America to eliminate freedoms for certain citizens in order to gain political control

The assumption is that the Obama Administration encouraged the sale of Current TV

Our illegal president pays homage to the UN and is constantly working with them to bring our country to its knees

Black-Eyed Peas Jimmy Reed | January 5, 2013
Inviolable Southern tradition, Free enterprise

If this happens here in the USA, kiss the rest of the Bill of Rights good-bye
