
American Politics, News

Obama’s Global Makeover Frank Gaffney Jr. | December 3, 2012
Redistributing the nation's power.

What IS the Fiscal Cliff? Heritage Foundation | December 3, 2012
Raising taxes on upper-income earners would be devastating to the economy

Wickedness – An Old Term Comes Home to Roost Rev. Michael Bresciani | December 3, 2012
We railed against Christmas, nativity scenes in public, ten commandment plaques in court houses and various crosses and Christian symbols in military memorials

The Lies The SEIU Tells Its Members Warner Todd Huston | December 3, 2012
All these unions will do is turn the 99 cent menu into the $99 menu

Lexicon of the liberal Socialist-Communist Democrats, the word bipartisanship means, ‘do it our way’

Who Will Liberate America? J.D. Longstreet | December 3, 2012
America's Soft Fascism

How the Government Class Lives Daniel Greenfield | December 3, 2012
Take away government benefits and the welfare neighborhood would become Detroit

Debt Ceiling and the Fiscal Cliff

Video Of The Day Bob Parks | December 2, 2012
Hidden camera

"We’ve seen an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, and his allies on the left have shown little—very little—to no willingness to tackle real, structural entitlement reform

Deceptive Susan Mark Andrew Dwyer | December 2, 2012
Racism; a deadly weapon in political debates

Changing Demographics? More Like Enduring Ignorance Arnold Ahlert | December 2, 2012
The public schools have been dumbing down education for decades, single motherhood has been on a steady increase since the onset of LBJ's Great Society

The Working Class and the Government Class Daniel Greenfield | December 2, 2012
The United States has only two classes. The working class and the government class

America Went Over the Fiscal Cliff Long Ago Alan Caruba | December 2, 2012
America went over the fiscal cliff decades ago and now is in free-fall. Life here and around the world is going to get very ugly

Warren Buffett's mostly illogical remarks

The Trouble With Susan Rice Guest Column | December 1, 2012
The Benghazi episode is relevant.

In truth we have no real proof that Rice was just misled by faulty intelligence reports. None at all.

The Detjens biggest problem is that they are not of the right group for anyone in Obama’s world to care about them

Over the Cliff Daniel Greenfield | December 1, 2012
Of fiscal cliffs

Economic collapse does not only effect the United States alone but also the world economy as a whole

Prepare For The Tantrums To Get Worse J.J. Jackson | December 1, 2012
Raising taxes solves nothing: Why President Obama is stupid, Why Harry Reid is a dunce, Why Nancy Pelosi is the Queen of the Yum Yum Brains

Global Governance: Pushing the Normal Sandy Stringfellow | November 30, 2012
Obama's goal" Destruction aimed at our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, property ownership rights, and the Rule of Law

Illinois 1 of 2 two states to display a Nativity Scene in State Capitol

Royal Canadian Legion waiting for response from Federal Government

Working the core Sarge | November 30, 2012
Money thrown at a dysfunctional educational system is no more than a hemorrhagic waste bleeding both the system and the families involved

National Debt Is Still the Biggest Threat to Our National Security Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | November 30, 2012
Since 1971, U.S. borrowed $50 trillion to produce only $13 trillion of goods and services in a 40 year period

Fiscal Cliff, Republican posturing, Obama's road to Communism

Six Fixes to America’s Fiscal Crisis Heritage Foundation | November 30, 2012
Elected officials in Washington keep enacting short-term patches to keep the government running, which is not a real solution

Just Us! Jimmy Reed | November 30, 2012
Two determined, dedicated people working together as a team can build a dream

American business people are optimistic risk takers. If we were not, we would have gone into government
