
American Politics, News

Soros:  It’s All Israel’s Fault Joy Tiz | February 3, 2011
Soros is effusive in his praise for Nobel Laureate and America hating Brotherhood tool, Mohamed ElBaradei

Blind Quilter Guest Column | February 3, 2011
Meet an amazing quilter who sews entirely by touch.

"Governor McDonnell is particularly concerned about the possibility of wasting precious and strained taxpayer dollars preparing for a law that may well be struck down."

White House Shuts the Press Out on Egypt, START Don Irvine | February 3, 2011
The White House press corps complained, administration hasn’t been very forthcoming

President Reagan—Anti-Abortion Protestors’ Best Friend Christian Newswire | February 3, 2011
Most do not know that Reagan's policies and words also paved the way for activists to reintroduce abortion into American politics

What Reagan Meant Bruce Walker | February 3, 2011
The nightmare of the Baby Boomers, the threat of nuclear war, was ended by Ronald Reagan with no Cuban Missile Crisis, no Manhattan Project, and no D-Day

Matthews once again took the opportunity to go after the Tea Party and Michele Bachmann

Robert Redford Hypocrite Bob Parks | February 3, 2011
Robert Redford likes oil and development when he profits

Invisible Tea Party Heroes Guest Column | February 3, 2011
Invisible Guardians carry the weight of our Beloved Nation not only on their shoulders, but in their hearts as well, Step forward and say: 'Count On Me.'

Jimmy Carter is sued for lying about Israel Ted Belman | February 3, 2011
Nitsana Darsha-Leitner: Alleging deceptions andfraudulent misrepresentations in book attacking Israel

Obama: Poor Example to Youth on Birth Certificate Issue Rev. Michael Bresciani | February 3, 2011
Perhaps there is nothing at all wrong in the entire matter but the clincher is that hiding, concealing or refusing to be transparent on a matter will always look like “the appearance of evil.”

Abortionists perform a 104 year old tradition of Sterilization on Women of Color

The Obama administration is bending over backward to cater to radical Muslim organizations in the name of political correctness

Justice: America’s heritage from the Prophets Dr. Samuel J. Mikolaski | February 3, 2011
It is time for Americans to think beyond the ideology of the people they have enthroned

Hurray for Mary Johnson—A Great Educator (and a Canadian) Bruce Deitrick Price | February 2, 2011
Programmed Illiteracy in our Schools

The Obama Administration’s Invitation To The Muslim Brotherhood Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | February 2, 2011
Hope & Fear in the ‘Arab Spring’

largest recipient of federal funds under Title X has been recorded aiding and abetting underage sex trafficking

Why Islam is Different and Dangerous Alan Caruba | February 2, 2011
We share the planet with 1.6 billion Muslims and we must either convert them or defeat them

So many failures so little time Obama Dr. Laurie Roth | February 2, 2011
Forced Health care, Handling of Egypt, Honduras

Walk Like an Egyptian A.J. Cameron | February 2, 2011
I guess TEA Party members, conservatives and traditional patriots need to begin walking like an Egyptian to be heard!

Death O’ Fear Jimmy Reed | February 2, 2011
Life a precious gift, given to me by my Creator, and I must be serious about using that gift to the furtherance of His will

Republican Susana Martinez, the first Latina female elected as Governor in U.S. history

Where’s Obama’s CIA Director? Cliff Kincaid | February 2, 2011
U.S. Government document that indicates U.S. knowledge of a plot to destabilize Egypt by laying the groundwork for a new government that would include members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Revolutionary Socialists

Obama's tyrannous manifesto

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Thrilled News on the Net | February 2, 2011
Michelle Obama 46th Democratic National Convention in 2012

As enacted, the Obama Healthcare Law contains multiple provisions authorizing federal subsidies for abortion

Foul Play or “Fair Game?” Roger Aronoff | February 1, 2011
Surprisingly, The Washington Post has been among Wilson’s harshest critics.

Poll: Just 9% Think WikiLeaks Is A Good Thing Don Irvine | February 1, 2011
The poll appeared on the same day that 60 Minutes was set to interview WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

So stand by America; howls and eloquent statements of bombast will fill the air over the next weeks or months

State of the Union Address 2012 Daniel Greenfield | February 1, 2011
Jan 13th, 2012, Capitol Hill
