
American Politics, News

Lame Duck session has a new name – LAME BRAIN SESSION Dr. Laurie Roth | December 2, 2010
Taxes, Dream Act, Don’t ask, don’t tell

Installing a Soros friendly operative in the governor’s mansion is another phase of Soros’s strategy to ensure that Minnesota’s ten electoral votes go to the Democratic nominee in 2012

There are two simple reasons; George Soros and Michael Taylor

The Smartest Man in the Room? Alan Caruba | December 2, 2010
Barack Obama is just not smart. Not street smart. Not academically smart. Not people smart. But smart enough to have gotten elected, the politician’s idea of smart

NBC Ignores Obama’s Jobs-killing Agenda Cliff Kincaid | December 2, 2010
Obama Administration’s latest decision to ban oil drilling for five years or more at a time of massive unemployment and a growing economic and financial crisis

Fox News continues to show strength, while MSNBC runs away from CNN in the cable news ratings race

A Day In The USA Doug Bronson | December 2, 2010
You see the unrest in Europe? Then watch it closely, because if we don’t change our direction, it’s coming here

A Holiday of Resistance Daniel Greenfield | December 2, 2010
Chanukah is a reminder, that no matter what the imposed moral order of the day might say, our culture and our religion are worth fighting for

From the Horse’s Mouth Guest Column | December 2, 2010
Don't ask Don't tell

Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 1, 2010
A free press and people willing to share their thoughts whether popular or unpopular have long been the bane of tyrants.

Many Jewish intellectuals support Palin Ted Belman | December 1, 2010
Palin’s Constitutional conservatism “is unifying, uplifting, and inclusive.”

His son cruising in a government vehicle with $27.5k worth of concert tickets

Old Media wants to mitigate the GOP wave that swept the country and ignoring this major symbolic rebuke to Obama

Reporters Fail to Probe Pentagon Brass Cliff Kincaid | December 1, 2010
This is absolute proof that inclusion of open homosexuals would prove disruptive to military operations involving our front-line warriors.

Let the People Suffer Ari Bussel | December 1, 2010
It is time to subject our elected officials and the Administration to the very same treatment we receive

For fools and slow learners, jobs are created and filled in the board rooms of private enterprise, not in the Oval Office!

The Kindergarten Congress Alan Caruba | December 1, 2010
Billions squandered. Trillions borrowed. It is a national death spiral that must be set right, but which is imperiled by a succession of potential presidential vetoes

National Guard GED Plus Program

The “Bone Yard” Mike Foil | December 1, 2010
Lessons on life

Lame Duck Session Philip V. Brennan | December 1, 2010
It will be a mistake of the GOP under Speaker Boehner if he follows Newt’s example that allowed the Democrat minority to run wild

John Kerry rents Symphony Hall to honor himself John Burtis | December 1, 2010
Keeping his many manufactured memories alive

Let-Me-Be-Clear Of The Day Bob Parks | November 30, 2010
WIKILEAKS: US Amb Susan Rice Responds at the United Nations (UNTV)

Puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense

The mask has slipped Michael Oberndorf, RPA | November 30, 2010
Obama, The smiling mask has slipped, revealing the snarling face of sociopathic fascism

Another ‘Vast Conspiracy’ Against Hillary Clinton? Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | November 30, 2010
The WikiLeaks State Department Disclosures

America Witnesses the Downfall of “Obama” Paul E. Vallely | November 30, 2010
The Obama White House and identifiable Members of Congress are now on a progressive socialist and treasonous death march and are bankrupting the country

DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform

Legion in opposition to the placement of the gambling casino in the Eisenhower Conference Center

All the News The Times Wants You to Know Alan Caruba | November 30, 2010
It should be “All the news we want you to know” even if it is severely tainted by bias, inaccuracy, and an anti-American agenda

Understanding Jimmy Reed | November 30, 2010
Love is the right word, and love often means understanding
