
American Politics, News

The National Anxiety Center Lists Top Ten Fears Alan Caruba | December 15, 2009
2010's Top Anxieties

The Red Diaper Baby’s Tantrums Joy Tiz | December 15, 2009
There is nothing in Obama’s background to suggest he is anything but a socialist in the Marxist tradition

How Did We Miss This…? Bob Parks | December 15, 2009
Muntazer al-Zaidi who became a national hero in Iraq

Death of Freedom

War courts for war criminals Frank Gaffney Jr. | December 15, 2009
Americans are dead-set against a foolish, ill-considered and reckless decision to give the 9/11 plotters civilian trials - and constitutional rights - within spitting distance of Ground Zero in lower Manhattan

Not being able to stop a terrorist before he strikes, remove Muslims who are engaging in threatening behavior on a plane, take action against a terrorist plot for fear that the terrorists will be allowed to walk free

Tiger Woods and the Morals Clause Alan Caruba | December 15, 2009

Where Is the OIC When Mosques Are Attacked? Dr. Walid Phares | December 15, 2009
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)

Obama’s One Great Accomplishment John Lillpop | December 15, 2009
His help in demolishing the Clinton invincibility myth has been a treasure to behold

Federal Judge Orders Congress To Fund ACORN. Huh? Matthew Vadum | December 15, 2009
This injunction is premature, unconstitutional, and an affront to the separation of powers.

A Soldier’s Christmas Gift Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | December 15, 2009
This is a True Christmas Story.

A Death Blow To Health ‘Reform’ Guest Column | December 15, 2009
Socialized Medicine: The administration's own health department, warns of rising costs, shrinking benefits and a long-term health care "death spiral." "Reform" has been pronounced dead

Will not apply to unmarried co-habitators

A message to all members of Patriotic Resistance Guest Column | December 14, 2009
Patriotic Resistance

Christianity is largely responsible for many of the principles and institutions that even secular people relish--chief among them equality and liberty

Grading Obama: B for Baloney! John Lillpop | December 14, 2009
President Obama displayed his trademark arrogance and distorted vision of himself

Neo-Socs guilty of delusional thinking Klaus Rohrich | December 14, 2009
It’s difficult to believe that Barack Obama could be so naive as to actually believe that government spending could create wealth

Time To Ride! Saddle Up America! Guest Column | December 14, 2009
Americans Standing up to Take Back their Country

Barack Obama’s Job “Removal” Rating Jayme Evans | December 14, 2009
We are on an unsustainable trajectory, a death spiral that is killing this nation.

December 15 is Bill of Rights Day Alan Caruba | December 14, 2009
The Bill of Rights was about limiting the power of the federal government, Constitution makes the passing of laws a deliberately slow process

I am praying for Tiger and his family

Christmas Returns to Oregon School Christian Newswire | December 14, 2009
Principal Zundel removed a "holiday giving tree" from the school

You Say You Want a Revolution Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 14, 2009
We've watched as our constitutionally limited government grew until today it's leviathan running amok

Milk Toast Republicanism J.J. Jackson | December 14, 2009
Kept attaching their names to nearly every bill the left threw in front of them that expanded the federal government beyond its constitutional bounds

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For the General Welfare, or an Encroachment on Rights? Nancy Salvato | December 14, 2009
It is not the responsibility of the government to legislate away any or all actions considered offensive to people

A Sardine for Ms. Noonan Joy Tiz | December 14, 2009
RINOS and CINOS clapping like trained seals

Stop A Philanthropic Government Ian Jay Germaine | December 14, 2009
Enough Charity from our pockets Your kindness is killing us

Open Call to Congressional Republicans JB Williams | December 13, 2009
I call upon EVERY Washington DC Republican to walk out NOW!

Apostates Devise New Ways To Spoil Everyone’s Christmas Dr. Frederick Meekins | December 13, 2009
Christians and allied conservatives have waged a noble effort against secularists claiming the First Amendment

Why has America prospered and been free? Guest Column | December 13, 2009
True Liberty is not possible without fundamental moral constraint
