
Pope Francis asks: "What type of world do we wish to leave for our children who are now growing up," It is global communism ordered around the redistribution of wealth and around a one-world government under the guise of planet stewardship

Independence Day - July 4

For Independence Day: A Review of Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” Arthur Christopher Schaper | July 4, 2015
The American Revolution sparked a spirit of individual liberty resisting imperial tyranny, a movement which inspired rebellion in Europe, Latin America, and even Vietnam (though not with the same results).

SCOTUS Ignites New Level of Resistance Lloyd Marcus | July 4, 2015
I pray that there is a silver lining in the Supreme Court's betrayal, the igniting of a new intensity in the level of resistance to Obama and his minion's fundamental transformation of America.

John Gerard was born about 1545 in Nantwich, Cheshire. Like many from the northern shires, he came south to London where he maintained a large herbal garden in the suburb of Holborn.

The Darkness Hormone W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | July 4, 2015
There are several prescription drugs for insomnia. But it makes more sense to try a natural remedy first. They have been tested by tincture of time and safer than prescription drugs.

This incident proves, at least partially, the veracity of Trump’s charges but also points out the idiocy of San Francisco liberals.

That Ragged Old Flag News on the Net | July 4, 2015
This is a set of images I put together to complement Johnny Cash's performance of the poem by the same name.

San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy claims another citizen’s life

They, even more than our nation itself, are truly “under assault.”

Happy Independence Day Sandy Stringfellow | July 4, 2015
The hardest part for constitutional conservatives in 2016 – as it was for Reagan – will be defeating the Progressive RINO Establishment and their crony capitalist enablers in the Republican primaries.

George Takei—too dumb to be a real racist Arthur Weinreb | July 4, 2015
Just because Takei had the ability to memorize such great lines “Aye aye, captain” does not mean he has any smarts. And, as far as intelligence in actors goes, Takei is no Ronald Reagan. He’s not even a Kim Kardashian

Talk of Impeachment actuated by Conservative Justice Samuel Alito of Justices Kagan and Goldberg is entirely within the realm of responsibility of our Congress

Challenge them to stand behind our country!!

Islamic sex rings

Racing Through History Daniel Greenfield | July 4, 2015
Obama appeared at an Iftar dinner; an event at which Muslims emulate Mohammed, who had more slaves than Robert E. Lee

Political correctness is a very serious affliction that has done incredible damage to our country. It will eventually destroy America if it is not pulled up by the roots and finally eradicated

This Day of Freedom’s Birth William Kevin Stoos | July 4, 2015
For America’s a nation Unique o’er all the earth, And that is what we celebrate, This Day of Freedom’s Birth

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings – and their Meaning Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | July 3, 2015
Assembled Laureates did not sign this declaration in unison. In fact, nearly half of them did not

Regardless of its grim history, extracts of Gelsemium continue to be marketed as a homeopathic remedy for migraine, asthma and even malaria

Why it's almost as if someone meant to do it.

A work in progress, of course.

Where is the CNN condemnation?

One feature I found really handy but which you undoubtedly won't use much is its capability to transfer information from your old phone wirelessly

Mazda6 gets a 2016 update but same ‘Zoom-Zoom’ Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 3, 2015
The Mazda6 starts at $24,495 for the base version with manual transmission. The fully loaded 6 GT with the six speed automatic and the technology package starts at $35,095.

Old Communist habits die hard--especially when the Obama administration is working so diligently to keep them alive

And yeah, we used the word, because we're going to deal with instead of running from it

Aaron and Melissa Klein ordered not to talk publicly about their faith.

Senate Puts Self-Interest Ahead of Public Interest Canadian Taxpayers Federation | July 3, 2015
When faced with a choice between protecting the interests of Canadian taxpayers, and protecting their fellow Senators, the Senate chose the latter.

Israel’s populist energy crisis Caroline Glick | July 3, 2015
Israel has enough problems with the anti-Semitic boycott movement that is growing by leaps and bounds. We need to curb our populist tendencies and stop making those who want to invest in Israel feel that they are fools to do so.
