
Stop the wind power subsidies immediately

If these actions spread, the experiment we know as the United States of America will not survive

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge News on the Net | May 4, 2015
He also revealed that his opposition to “net neutrality” regulations had resulted in personal harassment and threats to his family.

No mention of global warming as the cause of Christ's inevitable judgment of our world. Lack of love, Humanity, Morality are named so often that I would have to fill an article with half of the bible


A Pox on Baltimore Alan Caruba | May 4, 2015
A pox on Baltimore and on all the politicians from the President on down who keep telling us the police are the problem, not the world of Freddie Gray’s roaming our city’s streets

Climate Change now a top priority in U.S. Foreign Policy Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 4, 2015
Preventing and mitigating conflict and violent extremism, Promoting open, resilient, and democratic societies, Advancing inclusive economic growth, Climate change

This nation is literally burning from out-of-control fires deliberately set and stoked by Obama, Holder, Al Sharpton, and other ‘leaders’ in the angry black community

Florida Professor Bullies Christian Student Liberty Counsel | May 4, 2015
G.L.'s parents asked Polk State College to review this matter, but it refused, so Liberty Counsel is stepping in to help

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

Selinger Budget Forces Manitobans to Co-Sign Loans in Crayon Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 4, 2015
The government has failed to address the deficit, failed to rein in spending and failed to offer tax relief.

Guess who wins in a rout. Bet you can.

Give it a listen.

IRS Investigations into Churches and Religious Groups

The proposed fix for perceived manmade catastrophic climate change, the elimination of fossil fuels, will create more poor people, not fewer

Smoggy Thinking Viv Forbes | May 4, 2015
Replacing dirty open fires and boilers with clean electricity and cleaning up vehicle exhausts will also clear today’s Asian Smog.

How Obama’s Recovery Compares to Reagan’s Recovery Heritage Foundation | May 4, 2015
The Obama policies (as well as those in the final months of the George W. Bush administration) were, almost without exception, costly and counterproductive

Current version of the Income Tax Act is 3,314 pages long - more than a million words

Stop Ontario’s Plan for Taxpayer Funded Partisan Ads Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 4, 2015
Provincial Budget Unveils Plans to Limit Auditor General's Oversight of Government Advertising

But you may not be overcome with excitement.

Hmmm... Think 'Gestapo', only with a different accent. ....Russian or Arabic?

It's the least I can do for one of America's founding fathers.

But throughout Obama's presidency, we've had a pathetic economy. The numbers don't lie.

Student-organized event faces enemies from within and without the Jewish community.

The Anti-Cartoon Jihad Comes To America Matthew Vadum | May 4, 2015
Texas security guard takes a bullet for American freedoms. Spencer, Geller, Wilders and Fawstin unharmed.

This failure to act with resolve by all parties will lead to future international health crises that are worse than need be.

It is well past time for the Vatican to yank Pope Francis from the classroom of Obama the Professor and to force him back into the Classroom of Christ, the Classroom of Saving Souls

Put Them in Prison to Find Out About Blood Cholesterol W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | May 3, 2015
Having one idea that is wrong is dangerous. It’s also wrong to forget that the first rule of medicine is “to do no harm”.

The Pope Guest Column | May 3, 2015

A Prayer for Marriage Matt Barber | May 3, 2015
CFP Poetry Online
