
The story of a British theme park Tim Saunders | July 1, 2014
Paultons Park, Hampshire, UK

Bill Gates: Powering The Fight Against Poverty Is Top Priority

Obama looking for action to "mitigate" the ruling.

Basically, it's 'amnesty for everyone!'

Control of the Senate is Priority 1 in November.

Shootings and kidnappings plague Highway 2, which runs parallel to the border with the United States.

Dan Joseph interviews

It appears that the United States and other countries still lack the ability to intervene on the ground without risking an ongoing conflict that would endanger the lives of many soldiers

The Senate’s amnesty-based approach to the estimated 11 million already here in violation of the law

Climate Change Denier Fringe Radicals Douglas V. Gibbs | July 1, 2014
While the democrats are laughing, thinking they are somehow on a plane above everyone else, science is making a mockery of their deceptive agenda

Putin’s American Big Business Allies Cliff Kincaid | July 1, 2014
As Putin contemplates his next aggressive move, it's apparent that he has U.S. Big Business in his corner

Did We Win the War on Poverty? Chuck Lehmann | July 1, 2014
Liberal feel-good social program that has failed miserably

I Can’t Even Conceive Of The Ignorance… Neill Arnhart | July 1, 2014
Nobody was harmed, or denied anything

The Frustrations of Modern Conservatism Arthur Christopher Schaper | July 1, 2014
Until conservatives today recognize that truth, not tradition; morality and religion, not politics and persuasion, are the essential basis for restoring morality and virtue

The Board is Nailed Tabitha Korol | July 1, 2014
Fight for American Laws in American Courts

The de-industrialization of Detroit

Please consider joining those of us from Una Voce Toronto at this solemn service for Father Walker, Priest and Victim

The Curse of Cain Daniel Greenfield | July 1, 2014
Cain has made a mountain of corpses. His Caliphate was built on bones. His code is cruelty and his holy book is written in blood on the flayed skins of his murdered victims

Sounds like he is putting out a Dare

Dimant challenges Siddiqui B’nai Brith | June 30, 2014
A cheap and unwarranted indirect attack on the Jewish community

Obama and Pelosi down on the Border… Dag Barkley | June 30, 2014
Good God! I'm rich. Not Stupid

It is not healthy for conservatives to be skeptical about the success of mass vaccination programs

You remember those, right?

Uncertainty Surrounds Ethanol’s Impact on GHG Emissions Institute for Energy Research | June 30, 2014
EPA, biofuels,ethanol, renewable fuel standard, RFS

Strong is not alone in the exploitation of the precious liquid by which the entire human species survives, he’s only the de facto leader of the UN activists falsely claiming to uphold ‘Water Justice’.

Pattern of behavior throughout Chow’s political career of double dipping and living large on the backs of the Canadian taxpayers

Because "borrowing power" is apparently in the Constitution somewhere...

Little Sisters of the Poor
