
See how it works? Since the IRS cannot produce any hardcopy evidence of corroboration, the Obama Administration and its agencies are conveniently spared

Greenpeace co-founder says they are prolonging the deaths of millions of children

Obama and al Qaeda in Iraq Dag Barkley | June 14, 2014
Doing nothing...

Why I Hate Soccer Selwyn Duke | June 14, 2014
It’s like seeing those unfortunate double amputees who’ve learned to paint or play the piano with their toes

Government Deceit Guest Column | June 14, 2014
IRS scandal, Lois Lerner

What, Me Worry? Jim ONeill | June 14, 2014
Liberals remain blissfully unaware of the wretched end that awaits if we continue feeding the voracious, insatiable hunger of a bloated government

Greenhouse Gas Lunacy James Simpson | June 14, 2014
Once again, President Obama is circumventing Congress and using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a compliant and corrupt media to push his radical agenda.

Hillary’s Book Tour From Hell Jeff Crouere | June 14, 2014
Without philandering Husband Bill, Hillary would have never been elected to anything. She has no charisma, makes big mistakes, not very capable

Obama’s DREAM: Exploitative Nightmare Arthur Christopher Schaper | June 14, 2014
Obama's incredibly immoral DREAM Executive Order has undercut national security, border integrity of this country while putting thousands of illegal immigrant youth as well as Americans at risk

President Hillary? No Way! She Should Be Done. Lloyd Marcus | June 14, 2014
Exposure of Hillary's mindset should immediately disqualify this either extremely naïve liberal or off-the-chain arrogant person

For Poorer Workers, the Recession Is Nowhere Near Over Heritage Foundation | June 14, 2014
Obamacare will further hurt poorer workers trying to acquire more hours on the job

What the Brat nomination means for November Scott Powell | June 13, 2014
Brat’s win epitomizes the triumph of ideas over money and substance over form, which is after all what politics should be about

Obama and the lost IRS emails Dag Barkley | June 13, 2014
Ain't Technology a Marvel!

As the record clearly shows, if George W. Bush lied about WMD, he was joined by a lot of lying Democrats!

Politics vs. truth.

Ontario Election:

BikeHike Adventures 20th anniversary

The World Bank ranks India 179th of 189 countries in the ease of starting a business, behind war-torn Libya.

MPs must do whatever is necessary to strip Fontana of $122,500 pension

Iraq Today! Sarge | June 13, 2014
Politicians can’t see the truth when it’s staring right at them

Maybe because it is? Nah, that can't be it. Nothing's his fault.

Illegal immigration crisis Guest Column | June 13, 2014
Cloward/Piven strategy

New Indian Government To Speed Up Coal Development

TEA Party is an attitude Herman Cain | June 13, 2014
Tea Party is an attitude, and Tea Party people do have an attitude!

WSJ OpEd calling global warming ‘unproved science’

As news of Ishag’s plight spread, members of Congress joined forces in condemning the Sudanese government

Video: Veterans Call for Firings, Funding at VA News on the Net | June 13, 2014
"Find the people that are responsible and fire them."

Letter to Congressman Waxman - Emergency Shelter for Veterans

Assessing The Tea Party Influence:  Graham vs. Cantor Arthur Christopher Schaper | June 13, 2014
Conservatives: Unify and Coordinate
