
Abbas's pathetic bluff and bluster should for once be exposed and rejected by America and Israel

Bans on affirmative action deemed constitutional as more states follow suit

Keynesianism’s Ugly Secret Nelson Hultberg | April 23, 2014
Monstrous credit / debt spirals orchestrated by the Fed over the past decades that have brought us the economic crisis

‘Save the Environment—from the EPA’ Judi McLeod | April 23, 2014
Earth Day 2014:

Government Truth Commissions Make Politics Dirtier News on the Net | April 22, 2014
There are plenty of hypotheticals to consider right here in Wyoming if we had a "false" political speech law

Earth Day—High Holy Day of Paganism J.D. Longstreet | April 22, 2014
True Christians don't participate in Earth Day

Uncle Ion and Grandma’s Orchard Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 22, 2014
A story from my upcoming book, “Death or Rebirth of Communism?”

We can win back our freedom and country…but how?

Revival in America? – Not an Option; it is a Necessity Rev. Michael Bresciani | April 22, 2014
Returning to the faith of our fathers is acknowledging that God not only gave us our founding fathers, but his Father gave us, this entire nation to abide in his guiding hand

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito joined Kennedy on the ruling

It’s Hard Being a Black Conservative Alan Caruba | April 22, 2014
Allen West: Guardian of the Republic

Why has this happened? What do you think?

Alternate headline: UAW realizes it will lose again and be humiliated

Big shoulders and even bigger frauds.

This must be why MSNBC is winning the ratings war. ..oh, wait.

Waittaminute! A Democrat said something true!

Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville Celebrates Five Years News on the Net | April 22, 2014
Very Bohemian Fifth Anniversary Celebration

CTF Launches BankruptingOntario.ca Ad Campaign Canadian Taxpayers Federation | April 22, 2014
New ad campaign launches in Finance Minister Charles Sousa’s riding

The Richer We Get, The Greener We’ll Become Guest Column | April 22, 2014
Happy Earth Day

Keystone Pipeline, Bio Fuels

In response Sarge | April 22, 2014
Putin, KGB, Obama, defenses

Air pollution declines as economic freedom rises Fraser Institute | April 22, 2014
Government regulation can alter incentives and hinder the ability of citizens to act

Russian Dominance in Europe? Toby Westerman | April 22, 2014
It's time to face these threats clearly. It is long past time to recognize that the Moscow elite are not our friends

A war against the American citizenry; America is a pressure cooker with no steam valve, and things are about to blow

Obama’s Keystone Cop-Out Arnold Ahlert | April 22, 2014
American jobs and energy security sacrificed on the altar of radical ideals

Obama gives Canada cold shoulder Ezra Levant | April 22, 2014
Obama waited 9 months before replacing the last US ambassador to Canada. The post was empty, and Obama just didn’t care

Confederate Memorial Day of Southern memories Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | April 22, 2014
April 26th is Confederate Memorial Day

Material Support to Terrorism: The Case of Libya Clare M. Lopez | April 22, 2014
The next chapter in the U.S. jihad wars was underway

The Principles of Freedom VS Agenda 21 Tom Deweese | April 22, 2014
The immigration battle; the battle against ObamaCare; the entire TEA Party movement-- all show that people are alert. The sleeping giant is awakening

Vulture-like, Michelle Obama swoops down on any opportunity for free publicity
