
The hope is that now with the McCutcheon decision, the Kagan-Roberts alliance is over.

Liberal gas plant scandal has cost Ontario’s taxpayers $1.1 billion

Mass shooting at Fort Hood: One dead and fourteen injured by gunman who then turned gun on himself at military base

Resuscitating US-Saudi Relations INSS | April 2, 2014
Expectations that the visit would herald a shift in US-Saudi relations were premature

Twilight of the Red and Green Daniel Greenfield | April 2, 2014
The left only recognizes one ideological war. Its own

The Obama-Biden celebration of phony numbers and outright fraud prove beyond question that American Exceptionalism is dead and buried!

Morrell was hauled before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday

Hard Times that Need Hard Answers Alan Caruba | April 2, 2014
Nation’s budget is now devoted to “entitlement” programs that are predicted to be insolvent in the near future

Homosexual activists: Asking to throw out the votes of 8 million Floridians and to judicially impose homosexual marriage upon all Floridians.

Members of the public are advised to ensure that they lock their doors and windows when leaving their homes

Worldwide blitzkrieg of ultrasound exams on pregnant women have bombarded the babies they're carrying with the brain-warping sound waves and heat

Further Insights into My 86-year-old Black Dad Lloyd Marcus | April 2, 2014
Baltimore City’s first black Firefighter of the Year, two times.

Because it is, because that's what you get when politicians protect an arrogant, anachronistic company.

Kochpocalypse Now!!!!

Ignorance is strength

Well that's reassuring.

Debby Elnatan’s Upsee, designed to help her own son walk tethered to an adult, could be the answer to many parents’ prayers for children with disabilities.

Suzuki SX4 S-Cross Tim Saunders | April 2, 2014
New price: £14,999 to £23,549

April Gardening

Orwellian verbiage Sarge | April 2, 2014
Propaganda is propaganda no matter who twists the truth for personal gain at the expense of their constituents

An artist’s own unique commemoration of WW1 Tim Saunders | April 2, 2014
Ghosts of Doomed Youth

“Tallahassee offers a diverse menu of authentic regional cuisine, fine dining and international fare that has quickly attracted the attention and awards from leading food critics.”

Defined-benefit pension plans

From Martian rocks, a planet’s watery story emerges American Chemical Society | April 2, 2014
Scientists have found that the weight of the dust they’ve sampled is 2 to 4 percent water

A wristband for a different kind of cause — environmental health American Chemical Society | April 2, 2014
The bands could be a valuable tool for finally determining individual exposures and what compounds are safe and which ones come with risk

A new way to calculate the number of bubbles in a glass of champagne.

Respiratory conditions, such as asthma and allergies, are becoming more common.

Key chocolate ingredients could help prevent obesity, diabetes American Chemical Society | April 2, 2014
Oligomeric procyanidins (PCs)

In State Of Emergency, UK Could Produce Shale Gas In 4 Years

Unions Getting Creative in Election-Year Struggle Heritage Foundation | April 2, 2014
For unionized workers, dues come out of their paychecks and go to political causes—and they aren’t consulted on where that money will go
